The AD-Free AOL Mail only applies on webmail and not on the ADG's Homepage.
The AD-Free AOL Mail only applies on webmail and not on the ADG's Homepage.

MARY KARIM commented
Please develop an ad blocker that will work while browsing on AOL Gold. The ads are everywhere. They are out of control! I have yet to find anything that will work.
ROBERT RAY commented
Many years ago you came out with the option of having AOL free if I was willing to accept ads. I opted for your paid subscription which meant no ads. I am on still on the paid plan and I am now bombarded with ads., What gives??
Anonymous commented
Do something about the pop ups (ads) or I will cancel. Extremely annoying trying to read the news feed.
Anonymous commented
I want to have the ad free mail for my account but there is no option to update my membership
Anonymous commented
tech support says they can't fix from their end. Dave English
Anonymous commented
can you provide AD and pop up blocker for aol desktop gold? Pop ups appear in text and have no"x" to get rid of them and I can not read text
John Misaros commented
Ad-Free Mail for AOL Desktop Gold: My suggestion is that aol insert a new tab on the desktop that includes all the separated paid adds and all others that are deleted from the regular email. In that way members still have full control over their email but can choose to ignore what they don't want.