Bad grammar, all the time
Your headline writers are illiterate. The latest bad joke says that some obscure actress was "hospitalized after being ran over." NO NO NO!! That's "after being RUN over." The vehicle ran over the actress. She was run over. Please hire writers who are fluent in English.

We apologize for the error. Our editors work very hard to catch mistakes before they hit the web. However, with all the content they regularly publish to the page, they do occasionally miss some. We are sorry that this one slipped through but we are very grateful to you for pointing it out to us.
I"t's Time To Say Bye To Five Guys As There Closing" should be
...As They're closing..." c'mon guys. -
RAY VIDA commented
FIX YOUR SPELL CHECK to correlate with a valid source!
Jacqueline commented
"These doctors must have went to both medical school and comedy school..." MUST HAVE WENT??? A fourth-grader would not make that mistake twice! Even if it came from a "partner" company, you need to get somebody who is literate to proofread such stupid mistakes before they go live.
Peter Landes commented
I started out reading your story about Bonnie & Clyde which then became a story about Wild Bill Hickok and then Calamity Jane. After Calamity Jane it transitioned into a story about Doris Day. At one point her birth date indicated that it was in 1992. Pretty obviously that couldn't be correct. So my interest became how do I point this out to someone. I just kept scrolling down looking for what would appear to be how to do this. When I got to the area that included Feedback it appeared that this, while not specifically what I was looking for, would at least get me to somewhere where my comment could be "heard" by someone, so I just decided to go for it and hope to get some kind of response, via email, as to what is the right way to report errors in stories
MICHAEL GILL commented
Thiis was just found on the site: "Whomever thought this up has a good sense of humor and obviously cares a whole lot for the penguins at the exhibit." The writer AND editor need to go back to school. "Whomever" is incorrect. It should be WHOever,
Jacqueline commented
Do your online headlines get written in China?? Didn't you learn the difference between homonyms in fifth grade? "Snowstorm BEARS down"...not "bares."
MICHAEL GILL commented
"Whomever thought this up" is bad English. The writer probably missed that lesson in school. It should be "Whoever" thought....
Editora Regina commented
Your headlines are still full of typos. Today, there's one that reads, "Man allegedly attached another for wearing MAGA hat." Attached to what, a hitching post? attached with what, a rope? glue? That verb should be "attacKed"--how could you not see it?
Medrick DeVaney commented
. The North Korean side of the DMV is also known for its landmines and artillery bases. This photo is of the North Korean side of the DMV as seen from a bus window, taken by Michael Huniewicz.
I THINK you folks Meant DMZ, not DMV... LOL.. But it made for some FUN reading....AGAIN... Ir was used SEVERAL times in the Same Article.. Hardly a "Typo", more like stupidity..
jonh commented
editors: learn to [proof]read--there's a difference when a singer's song dies and when a singer's son dies.
Stephen D. Holstead commented
I misspelled "your". Early!
Stephen D. Holstead commented
You may want to hire an editor/spell checker. It shows poor quality control when you headlines are misspelled.
"Trump protest balloon "files"...... -
Anonymous commented
Simply wondering if AOL actually uses editors...or if any of them have high school experience in journalism or basic spelling?
For example--today we have 81 pages of "news" and I only got thru 13 of them with the following--
--"Scott Peley reveals what to led to... Got basic English???
--31-year missing child case...
--***************'s .... "revealed" is the "subject". the description says "could reveal" Which is it??? Sensational journalism for sure
--My favorite. "Miley Cyrus "flex her mussels". Great us of a spell checker...without a clue as to what you wrote
Jacqueline commented
Your headline writers don't know English. Today, a headline on your home page reads "Ramona Singer apologizes to insensitive comment" when the correct syntax would be "Ramona Singer apologizes to [NAME OF PERSON] FOR insensitive comment." Please hire a copy editor or proofreader who knows how to use prepositions correctly.