remove Datamask by AOL
I need to know how to remove DataMask by AOL. After it was installed, PC slowed from 70 download to 9 download speeds. Write mail has been a headache spending more time on correcting words, spaceing and sentence structure. Dell and FIOS say it is the AOL GOLD and DataMask issue. 6 months ago I was on WIN 7 and Gold with no speed or write mail or missing incoming mail. If this is not the problem will reinstall.

One of our technical support agents can assist you in this matter. Please reach out by calling: 1-800-827-6364
AOL Gold has issues. Under my screen name MAX I never activated 2 SV. I never noted recing any notice or code sent for 2 sv for this screen name.. I have an issue with 2 sv activated in error under klm and wanted to see if I could turn it of under another main screen name. When I check it showed as already turned ON for MAX yet not working for screen name MAX .see email notice below AOL sent showing it was turned off. I was informed by tech support I can only turn on or off 2 sv after I sign into that screen name ONLY. The other issue is the 2 sv first offers text code sent to my cell. Then the second code being texted to a landline. The option to change from text to call DOES NOT WORK. Instead it send another email code to another mail address and give 60 seconds then times out. IT DOES NOT CALL as the link states. DATA MASK appears to have issues with Windows 10 which is another story... Unable to past AOL email as noted above. ..