saving saved messages on AOL on a usb stick from relatives passed away
I have many messages where family has sent me jokes and messages of love and caring on my saved mail area. I'd like to save them on USB sticks in case AOL stops or won't save messages for us any more. this way my loved ones care and affection and memories won't be gone forever. Can you folks add that link to save them on A USB or disk option?

JEANNE BAIN commented
I absolutely hate the stories with "Next Page" I am planning on stopping my AOL account because of that. Sooooooo many of my friends and family also hate and plan to change. Leave it in a print out and let us read not hit the the next page and have it jump and you get an advertisement. Enough is enough. I will be saying bye bye toAOL soon!!!!!!!
BOB KRAMPETZ commented
You can move emails to a NEW subdirectory and use ThunderBird to convert them to text on the USB