Liberal hack
I see AOL continues to feed its brain dead visitors to liberal and hate trump articles. Why not simply be truthful and declare yourself a Left Wing appendage of the Liberal Socialist Democratic Party? You are not fooling anyone. Your "wonderful" painting of Bernie and Kamala makes me sick. I am surprised your lips are not worn out from all the butt kissing you did for Obama....but here we go again. YOU ****.

Angela Elgee commented
I’m serious about AOL hiring more conservatives. I’ve been an AOL member since the days of CompuServe. If you keep filling my news feed with bias political “facts” I am going to close my account and only use my gmail account. I’ve already closed my Facebook account for that reason and have pulled all of my money out of Bank of America for sharing client data with the government after January 6. I’m not asking you to censor fact checks, I’M ASKING YOU TO ADD FACT CHECKS FOR EVERYONE, NOT JUST LIBERALS!
Angela Elgee commented
The recent fact check of Harris tax plan is probably accurate but if you are going to be in the business of fact checking you need to do both sides equally. Hire some conservatives on your staff for heavens sake! Trump does not subscribe to 2025. He doesn’t believe in a national ban for abortion. He is not going to lower the tax for only the rich, he is going to lower tax for all. A rising tide floats all boats. Stop with the election interference.
Jack Thomas Jr commented
I am so sick, sick, sick of the bias in favor of the Harris woman. Every day same story, different day. Where is the flood of stories supporting President Trump?? Hmmmm? I will wait for an explanation...
Harold Wingler commented
Fox News is more honest than all the rest of the main stream media!
Stop including fox news stories they are not true and also half truths.
I don't think aol should include fox news in their news stories. They are fake and never tell whole truths.
Marcia Greenbaum commented
I am so frustrated and still angry because I have had this email address for over 20 years, and cannot change to another because it would be such an inconvenience. This is because I am, however, STILL furious over your constant insidious, sometimes blatant leftist, liberal news feeds, Your are Obviously promoting Harris,and chastise Israel for defending themselves from its enemies. Taylor Swift is constantly in your headlines....why??? There are certainly other more interesting and relevant stories to report. This is not acceptable. I appeal to a sense of fairness. You have customers who just want unbiased news. You pride in your customer service. Take into account ALL of your customers. I am not surprised if you have lost some because of your leftist agenda. I am definitely going to pursue thoughts of ending my subscription with AOL. Don't give me a reply with a generic answer stating that you are not, in fact promoting a leftist agenda.... I certainly will not believe it.
Sincerely, Marcia Greenbaum -
asmthblk1 commented
Why so many stories on Trump, every day tired of seeing them
asmthblk1 commented
why so many stories on Trump, I sick of seeing them
Why is your news biased ?
TIM GANT commented
Why is nothing ever negative about the Biden Administration in your news?
michael DAVIDSON commented
Half of AOL subscribers are conservative, but AOL plays heavily to the liberals. As a subscriber for nearly 30 years, this is not appreciated.
David Menefee commented
For YOUR own sake, STOP THE ANTI-TRUMP BIAS of your news articles. For 8 years now, you have deliberately mocked him with articles that border on slander, and you have chosen the worst photos you could find of him . . . ALL THE WHILE PUFFING UP BIDEN AND OBAMA. A boycott of AOL is brewing. MAGA can put you out of business or at least cripple you like Target, Bud Lite, and others. I STRONGLY SUGGEST THAT YOU GET NEUTRAL IF YOU CANNOT GET POSITIVE ABOUT HIM.
Kyle Lyons commented
Your "news" is nothing more than gossip and innuendo. There is NO fact checking and just cutting and pasting from larger media companies. According to you, there is no good conservative and nothing we do is worthy of fair reporting.
Carol Uhl-alba commented
Your news stories are so biased lately! What did RFK do that you are bashing him so much? Many "conspiriacy" theories ended up being true- Like Covid was created...FBI says it is true. If his vaccine theories were "debunked" why did the government set up a vaccine injury website? Report the news- not your left winged version and stating untruths! Seriously, after being a loyal AOL customer for 30 years- I am just about done with AOL. Not many of us left- and we are all Gen X'ers so PLEASE clean up your news room. That is my SUGGETION!
How can your "editor" refer to the GOP''s grilling of FBI'S Wray as "insane"? Do you people live under a rock or just stuoid?
BEBE MCCLAIN commented
no one believes AOL News anymore
BEBE MCCLAIN commented
4 of first 10 stories were Anti-trump. Not a SINGLE word in over 40 stories were about the coke found in Biden's white house, nor ANY mention of all the whistle blowers reports about Hunter Biden's graft and the Biden crime family. Some news coverage!!!!!
michael DAVIDSON commented
Hugely left winged, but censoring many conservative comments is unforgivable...
Jane Rhodes-williams commented
I agree