AOL Mail Norrin
Tell us how we can improve your AOL Mail experience. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review them regularly and take them very seriously.
Please contact our help site if you’re experiencing an issue that prevents you from using Mail as expected.
1123 results found
Add Signature in Spell Check
After 30 years AOL still says there is a Spelling Error in my name / signature!! And I cannot add my name to the dictionary! Why?? Help!!!
189th ranked -
Get rid of Old and New - I just want one Inbox
I just want One inbox - not have mail disappear into Old and New. I can't find the setting to turn this back [happened this year].
189th ranked -
When moving an email to a different folder it shows the contents of the email above or below it - even if the option "show original folder"
When moving an email to a different folder it shows the contents of the email above or below it - even if the option "show original folder"
577th ranked -
If there is an entry in my contact list and I receive an email from that address it should be placed in my new mail / in basket not put into my recently deleted folder along with other junk mail. I have that person in my contact list for a reason and I can remove them if there is a problem.
217th ranked -
definitely need spell check back ASAP!!!!
definitely need spell check back ASAP!!!!
338th ranked -
Accusé de reception
Si on avait la possibilité d'avoir un accusé de réception quand on écrit ce serait fabuleux.N'est ce pas possible que vous le mettiez?Merci.
577th ranked -
back button
Previously, if one closed an email they were reading it would just go to Old mail, and user would be back in the New mail view.
But also, if one clicked the BACK Button when responding to an email, the email itself would be back onscreen and I could use a move function to file the email for later.
When I click Back in your "improved' interface it takes me back to the New Mail view and I have to then switch to Old Mail, highlight the mail and move it from Old. Triple the clicks from previous and NOT…
577th ranked -
Hey A$$h@l#s! Just put my mail in ONE place. Who asked you to put it in two boxes?!
That really sums it up. Just go back to old mail!
577th ranked -
When I check boxes to keep mail as unread, I should not have to individually go back an uncheck each one. Who thought that was a good idea?
When I check boxes to keep mail as unread, I should not have to individually go back an uncheck each one. Who thought that was a good idea?
876th ranked -
View raw
Nothing happens when I try to view the RAW MESSAGE! This was formerly called View Message Source. It's under 'More' and all your directions indicate it should work. Sorry - nothing happens when I click View Raw Message. This function is DOA in the new version. It's necessary to report SPAM!
577th ranked -
577th ranked
eMail windows
What happened to being able to have more than 1 email window open? I always have 2 or more left up so that I can switch between them. Some times I spread them out at the same time on the screen so I can see them all at the same time. This new format is inefficient. Always think you're improving things when you're actually screwing it up. Just dumb.
577th ranked -
About reading emails
The change I want for Aol mail is to see emails in chronological order and not have to scroll all the way top to the starting emails. Please fix that problem.
577th ranked -
i like to see the whole email in preview mode but the right of the screen has always taken over with ads why cant the ads be at the bottom so the width of screen is for only email
thanks338th ranked -
Providing an option to confirm or update a user's credentials
Not having an individual's profile settings is concerning. I'm not sure company legitimate anymore, according to media it doesn't exist. The inability to validate personal info for account, even though having paid support is concerning. Especially since account misidentified as a business account so often. I am baffled by the account's uncertainty, inconsistent reliability, and unwilling or lack of support contacts... which I pay for and need.
236th ranked -
Why doesn't "save to draft" work??
Fix "save to draft", that's a great idea!!
577th ranked -
NO I don't see what I am looking for
How can I move a read email to a folder that I have created. Since the new update Jan 2023, when I open the "move" option, there are only a few folders listed in that area. WHY??? My folders that I created on the left hand side are still there THANK GOODNESS, with the old emails I had moved there before the update and I can still open them, but I cannot send a read email to the folder, they aren't listed anymore under "move". WHY?????? pls help! I still want this option and do NOT want any of my…
279th ranked -
enable the setting of rules that is easy to maintain and automatically filters where mail goes - just like outlook
338th ranked -
421st ranked
How Can I Hide The Sub-Folders Behind The Parent Folder When Moving An E-Mail?
One, I LOVE It That AOL Finally Allows Sub-Folders!! And The Sub Folders Can Be Hidden Underneath The Parent Folder On The Left Hand Side, Which Is Great!!
But, When I Go To Move An E-Mail From My Inbox To A Folder, The Sub-Folders Are Not Hidden, So That Means There Are Way Too Many Folders & Sub-Folders To Scroll Through. It Would Work Much Better If The The Sub-Folders Could Be Hidden Under The Parent Folders When Moving An E-Mail, Just As You Have That Option On The Left Hand Side. For An Example, Check Out Xfinity Or…
876th ranked
- Don't see your idea?