AOL Mail Norrin
Tell us how we can improve your AOL Mail experience. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review them regularly and take them very seriously.
Please contact our help site if you’re experiencing an issue that prevents you from using Mail as expected.
1074 results found
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE give me an option to turn off your SPAM filter.
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE give me an option to turn off your SPAM filter.
862nd ranked -
Larger selection of fonts and font sizes.
Larger selection of fonts and sizes of fonts!!!
275th ranked -
aub doncer modie en wit op zwart vormulieren als het can van aol mail en tv app veel lievs j.Kremer
Zeer critical
566th ranked -
duck duck go
Why isn't my duck duck go brower being used when I go on my aol account?
566th ranked -
Reply email is too far down the page rather than above the last communication as in other programs. Please fix it.
Reply email should be at the top, above the last communication from the sender, like Outlook. Please fix it's very frustrating.
862nd ranked -
message layout
put attachments on top of message
52nd ranked -
I would try giving the few people who still use aol some actual help when you service is NOT functioning. I bet you guys do this on purpose in order to get your customers to pay money. Since we have had no support from aol we are working on recovering our emails and switching to Gmail. Good job aol.
862nd ranked -
Will you please give us the option of returning to the classic format. This ridiculous new version is now taking me anything up to four times as long to send a work-related e-mail, and as I work in the funeral industry this is not time I can afford to waste.
44th ranked -
AOL will not allow me to comment on any news articles or even to click on the positive or never buttons regarding the articles.
deleted mail timelines are too short please expand
deleted mail timelines are too short please expand
862nd ranked -
I get certain emails all the time...and now, all of a sudden, and it's hit or miss, you're asking me if its save of not. If I've interacted with the sender before, especially for YEARS, stop asking me that stupid question. Sometime multiple times almost near each other.
Certainly you have a way to figure out the algorithm, right? You're a tech company, right? Then I get emails that are obviously spam that end up in my in box.
Get your act together please.
215th ranked -
17th ranked
More steps to do the same thing is NOT an improvement.
Having things on the bottom and the top is NOT convenient. Having to search instead of scrolling to find the folder to put your emails in is NOT faster or user friendly. Having the send button on the bottom stinks. I liked everything across the top, easy to see and use. This format is atrocious.
18th ranked -
please go back to the system you had 3 days ago
go back 3days the new setup is lousy
566th ranked -
566th ranked
Sorting By Subject
In basic mail, it's possible to sort the emails by subject. You need to put that back. I get alot of notifications from, and need to be able to sort them that way, so that I can delete the duplicate ones.
413th ranked -
Connecting to Server
Why is AOL so horrible when it comes to its inabilty to connect to the server. Every day, it happens multiple time over multiple devices. Internet is strong and Gmail connects in 2 seconds. AOL continues to be stuck in the 80s
413th ranked -
Please notify your subscribers when you make a change in the format, otherwise we do not know if it is actually aol or a scam in our comput
Notify your subscribers when you make a change to the original format otherwise we do not know if it is a scam or aol. Communication is key to good relations between customer and provider. This kind of notice also saves a great deal of time and frustration when we as customers know the format has changed, instead of trying to figure it out through trial and error.
413th ranked -
Allow email addresses to be viewed in the inbox
As any idiot, except AOL Mail, knows, the name of an email address can be spoofed. GIVE US THE ABILITY TO VIEW THE EMAIL ADDRESS. If some people want to see the spoofed name, let them keep the spoofed name. AT LEAST allow us the option to turn on the email address in the inbox listing.
44th ranked -
deletions of mail added back on by AOL in the total email count even though they are gone
When I delete (example) 14 new mail pieces, the count goes down, as it should, and a minute later it goes back up. Why? I try to stay below a certain # and what you say I have is not accurate when you add the deleted # of emails back on my total, it is not appropriate nor accurate. AND it is infuriating that what i have done is not controlled by me. I did not have this trouble on the old version. H E L P!! please.
413th ranked
- Don't see your idea?