AOL Mail Norrin
Tell us how we can improve your AOL Mail experience. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review them regularly and take them very seriously.
Please contact our help site if you’re experiencing an issue that prevents you from using Mail as expected.
1113 results found
I would try giving the few people who still use aol some actual help when you service is NOT functioning. I bet you guys do this on purpose in order to get your customers to pay money. Since we have had no support from aol we are working on recovering our emails and switching to Gmail. Good job aol.
574th ranked -
Spell Check what happened to it.
Add a spell check
4th ranked -
go back to the original mail
go back to the old mail
872nd ranked -
Your Internet Is Offline
This is getting Ridiculous!!!!!
When The Ads Stop Working It Says I'm Offline When I'm On A T-1 Line And I Know That I Have Internet.
The Ads Should NOT Have The Control Of My Email Connection!872nd ranked -
872nd ranked -
You can not improve AOL. tell your boss dont sleep on his job ot many JUNK can not stop
AOL please keep you eye on your job, to many Junk moe than old CEO, new CEO no good
872nd ranked -
Ads discriminate against those with nervous system conditions exacerbated by excessive stimulation such as flashing lights etc.
I accept that AOL is "free" at cost of exposure to ads however there needs to be consideration for those who are disabled with nervous system conditions particularly sensitive to excessive or chaotic stimuli such as that imposed by flashing ads. Online is now as much as in physical places, so it makes sense from this perspective to honor the human rights of the functionally impaired by offering them options to have ads only that do not flash etc. Otherwise such practices that prohibit access to AOL as a place online would be considered discriminatory, against protections at the highest…
872nd ranked -
Why can I no longer edit my location - it is fixed at New York whilst I am in London UK.
Why can I no longer edit my location - it is fixed at New York whilst I am located in London UK Extremely annoying. The 'Edit' function does not work.
872nd ranked -
Eliminate monogram-style initials before email addresses
The circles with stylized initials before each email in lists and when sending emails is useless, takes up space, and makes it impossible to highlight and copy or delete email addresses from an email.
418th ranked -
I can barely see my message as I type it . The screen is full of clutter. What is going on .Its unusable. FIX IT please
Restore message format .
It is cluttered and very hard to see email as a whole.872nd ranked -
Security and privacy - Blocked Address did not block
Have an entry that used a * (wildcard) for Username with the domain name. Was entered in mid-January.
Today, got an entry/E-mail in the SPAM folder.
Is there a change in policy - Blocked users E-mail will be displayed?
BTW years ago one could use a wildcard in the domain for senders that use same ID but change A domain character. Any plans to put the feature back?872nd ranked -
Stop AOL Spam
How many emails will I continue to get from (ex. replay@ or after I block them. Answer: Hundreds even in my regular mail. Please stop the same spam from coming through
872nd ranked -
Please make it easier to delete emails. Or make the little box bigger.
Please make it easier to delete emails. Or make the Box bigger.
872nd ranked -
99% des spams reçus sont en langue anglaise:
pourrait-on disposer d'un filtre pour bloquer les mails non rédigés dans notre langue?872nd ranked -
872nd ranked
Block the Spammers please.
I'm getting many spam emails. Surely you could block more 'at source'.
I'm UK based and most seem to be US generated.872nd ranked -
add the prevention of login name recording by web page
when I log in from Chrome to there is a new problem - my log-in name is recorded. No matter how often I try to prevent it [by unclicking the remember box] I still need to delete it each time. Please add some method to stop the automatic and unstoppable remembering of my log in name by your website. I have already tried to prevent it in Chrome but it is not being done by chrome. It just happens now (newly added thing by the way) each time I log in to
872nd ranked -
New name
Well it is not new but it fits the current stupidness...........AO-****
872nd ranked -
The new font in AOL Mail is very difficult to read.
I went to my AOL mailbox today on a web browser and found that AOL has changed the font for the entire mailbox display to something that is very light, wispy and with serif. It is very hard to read. Yes, I could make it bigger, but the design of this font has poor legibility. It looks like something printed with insufficient ink. Please bring back the old font.
133rd ranked -
blocked addresses
Blocked addresses are listed alphabetically, that means that old addresses and new addresses are mixed together in one list. With a maximum of 1000 addresses, when I delete say 100 addresses to make room for more new ones, I also delete current addresses that are currently filling my inbox. Please allow AOL users to sort the blocked addresses alphabetically AND by date. This will allow AOL users to keep the most recent blocked addresses while reducing the blocked address total below the 1000 maximum. Also, would it be possible to allow deleting a group of blocked addresses, say all blocked…
235th ranked
- Don't see your idea?