AOL Mail Norrin
This forum is for you to make product suggestions and provide thoughtful feedback. We’re always trying to improve our products and we can use the most popular feedback to make a positive change!
Tell us how we can improve your AOL Mail experience. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review them regularly and take them very seriously.
Please contact our help site if you’re experiencing an issue that prevents you from using Mail as expected.
1141 results found
automatically delete emails after 30 days
automatically deleter emails after 30 days
554th ranked -
15th ranked
More steps to do the same thing is NOT an improvement.
Having things on the bottom and the top is NOT convenient. Having to search instead of scrolling to find the folder to put your emails in is NOT faster or user friendly. Having the send button on the bottom stinks. I liked everything across the top, easy to see and use. This format is atrocious.
16th ranked -
Allow email addresses to be viewed in the inbox
As any idiot, except AOL Mail, knows, the name of an email address can be spoofed. GIVE US THE ABILITY TO VIEW THE EMAIL ADDRESS. If some people want to see the spoofed name, let them keep the spoofed name. AT LEAST allow us the option to turn on the email address in the inbox listing.
39th ranked -
In our account
Add the feature to the account so we can have a second email address and AOL without having to create one outside of our account
908th ranked -
deletions of mail added back on by AOL in the total email count even though they are gone
When I delete (example) 14 new mail pieces, the count goes down, as it should, and a minute later it goes back up. Why? I try to stay below a certain # and what you say I have is not accurate when you add the deleted # of emails back on my total, it is not appropriate nor accurate. AND it is infuriating that what i have done is not controlled by me. I did not have this trouble on the old version. H E L P!! please.
394th ranked -
Properly handle messages addressed to AOL email addresses
I am receiving bogus, perhaps phishing, messages that are addressed to AOL email addresses that start with my first name, but are arriving in my gmail Inbox. The most recent message was addressed to, with a Cc to They were delivered to, my gmail address. In general, other messages are addressed to Alton??, where ?? represents two random characters, with Cc to Alton?? (different ??). I assume that, because the original To: is an email address, the message is first processed by AOL in it's servers and then sent out to other servers,…
554th ranked -
The stupid adverisement at the top of the email list- at least put a damnj box around it.
The stupid adverisement at the top of the email list- at least put a damnj box around it. Are you going to work with us or do you enjoy ******* off your customers?
908th ranked -
One more stupid idea
Verification codes do NOTHING!!! Once the password is accepted the code is pointless!!!!!!!!!!!
908th ranked -
Emails are not including pictures.
I'm not getting the pictures with emails - for example: Bible Verse of the Day.
908th ranked -
908th ranked
Take the ads off of my email page. The ads are blocking a large part of my emails
Change the format...Instead of blocking half of my emails with your ads, and trying to shove them down my throat, why don't you put them in a little box that doesn't block anything
908th ranked -
Sick of the **** spam every day!
Sick of the **** spam every day!
908th ranked -
changer de couleur d'écriture
On devrait, comme ça l'était avant, pouvoir programmer la couleur du texte de mail et non pas manuellement à chaque rédaction de mail.
908th ranked -
Quit putting up political people on my email account when I open up my email. I pay for your service! Put up an American Flag or Eagle ins
Put up an American Flag when I open my email. Not Obama or Biden or any other political figure
43rd ranked -
Not sure why you changed it. Now I cannot make my lettering on my email any larger then they are, what gives
Go back to the OLD WAY
394th ranked -
Ich habe eine neue E-Mail-Adresse angemeldet
Auf diese E-Mail-Adresse - bekomme ich keine E-Mails, das heißt Error. Absenden ist nur bedingt möglich, es klappt nur ab und zu.
908th ranked -
394th ranked
Auth 2.0 security is not fit for purpose
Since this system came about email on iphones has been sketchy to say the least, numerous account errors, mail not downloaded from server. Mail not syncing with the server across different devices. basically it is rubbish. Never had the issue before deleteing and re adding the account does nothing.
394th ranked -
How dare you stop filtering incoming mail and offer to now do it for a fee. I have other providers that are FREE and do a better job free!
I am probably one of a very few people still paying for service. As a provider you are responsible for a certain amount of oversight and I dont think you should try to further monetize. What am I paying for after all
Free services all do this. What is my incentive to keep paying and getting service.554th ranked
- Don't see your idea?