AOL Desktop Gold
This forum is for you to make product suggestions and provide thoughtful feedback. We’re always trying to improve our products and we can use the most popular feedback to make a positive change!
This forum is not monitored for any support-related issues. If you need assistance of any kind, please visit our help site.
Tell us how we can improve your AOL Desktop Gold experience. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review regularly and take them very seriously.
1423 results found
I have to say that so far Gold SUCKS
Get back to the service we used to have at AOL. I'm constantly losing emails, emails not loading and having to sign off and on again to make things work. What's going on???
I’d like to have one of our Technical Support agents investigate this. Please call our AOL Desktop Gold team at 1-888-265-3733. Our experts are available 24/7 by phone."
Favorites will not let you edit folder name & switches sizes when accessed.
Problems with new gold version of favorites: 1. When you edit the name of a file in the favorites box there is no "save" button and if you return to the screen the title reverts to the original title. It will let you make and name a brand new folder but will not let you save and edit...or it is not made clear how to do it.2. When you click on the name of an item saved in a favorite file, the screen immediately enlarges so that you cannot see the left hand margin in the box with all the…
Currently the favorites are shown alphabetized.
For the other issues you have encountered please contact one of our Technical Support agents at
1-888-265-3733. -
We’re sorry to hear about your experience. It’s certainly our expectation and desire that you receive the highest quality service when working with customer support. We’re sad to hear that it sounds like you did not.
Rest assured that we’ve captured your complaint and will make sure your experience is shared with others in an effort to prevent this in the future.
You can always get help via phone. To have a technical support agent assist you, please call the AOL Desktop Gold team at the number: 1-888-265-3733
my email is not coming in or going out
my email is not coming or going
This is something our technicians can help you with. Please contact them at 1-888-265-3733.
go back to old address book and address card. not an most of Gold
Why did Gold alpha my phone numbers in the phone book? Stupid. Now when I open the phone book, I see name, email addr and their FAX! Who wants to see the FAX# as the primary - nobody. Gold has rearranged my contact #s by alpha which puts Fax first and work last. that is Stupid. Now I have to redo hundreds of contacts thanks to Gold. AND everytime I 'save' the corrected contact info - the phonebook automatically refreshes to the top of the contact list - AAA. Why not just save my corrections and keep the phone book…
Let me put you in touch with one of our technicians to check if they can help you out. Please call at 1-888-265-3733
Let me put you in touch with one of our technicians to check if they can help you out. Please call at
1-888-265-3733 -
Hate this "new" way of providing feedback -- your upgrade ****
Unable to drag & drop from Favorites into the signature (i.e. Follow me on Twitter - with link already attached). Adding pictures used to be simple - now I have to search for and then copy/paste from another area. AND, after painstakingly creating a signature, and using it many times . . . TODAY, one signature disappeared to be the signature from another saved signature. NOT HAPPY Trying to WORK here!
Let me put you in touch with one of our technicians to check if they can help you out. Please call the AOL Desktop Gold team at 1-888-265-3733
Unauthorized change to my credit card yesterday. Card has been cancel.
Has your data base been hacked?? If not what was the $4.99 charge for??
We don’t have access to billing information through this forum. Please call one of our agents at 1-888-265-3733 so they can look more into the charge you have received.
Our Gold team can help you cancel the subscription. Please call us at 1-888-265-3733
Please bring back the dial-up backup feature.
When an Internet connection such as AT&T Fiber experiences trouble, dial-up backup saves the day.
The AOL Desktop Gold requires a Broadband connection, but you can still use your AOL Dial-up through the AOL Dialer and AOL Shield browser. To set up your AOL Dialer and AOL Shield for Dial-up Access, please call us at 1-800-827-6364, and one our tech agents will be able to help.
issues i can not manage my folder drop down light in color wont let me open new folder this just wrong our gold ****
fix it u shouldn't make us pay for this ****
Let me put you in touch with one of our technicians to check if they can help you out. Please call at
1-888-265-3733 -
Saving Favorites on a DVD
Favorites –
I saved My Favorites to a DVD. When I click on it on my DVD, it will not open. So, I don’t know if my listings are correct. Please fix.
1/1018Let me put you in touch with one of our technicians to check if they can help you out. Please call at 1-888-265-3733
I cannot access my account to manage billing, what is going on?
I cannot access my account to see billing, only manage benifits what to do?
No need to worry, our Billing Department can help you out. Please call us at 1-888-265-3733
I send several "unidentified sender" e-mails at a time that's blocked from sending.
I can't access the url that let's me take the security test. That has to change.
Let me put you in touch with a technician to see exactly what’s causing this. Please call our AOL Desktop Gold team at 1-888-265-3733. Our experts are available 24/7 by phone."
Who can I call in the USA?
I need a phone number to speak to someone in USA!!!!!
Tired of calling the Phillipines!!
They can't help!!!We’re sorry to hear about your experience. It’s certainly our expectation and desire that you receive the highest quality service when working with customer support. We’re sad to hear that it sounds like you did not.
Rest assured that we’ve captured your complaint and will make sure your experience is shared with others in an effort to prevent this in the future.
Please call our AOL Desktop Gold team at 1-888-265-3733. Our experts are available 24/7 by phone. Keep in mind that you will be redirected to the first available agent.
You can start by answering your phones. I've been on hold now for 21 Tech. Have problems with Comp check up. Pay for it and it will n
You can start by answering your phones. I've been on hold for 23 min. now trying to get Tech support.
We apologize for the long hold time you experienced. Your feedback is valuable to us, as we strive to continually improve our user experience.
For comprehensive AOL Computer Checkup online help, check out our help article: or contact technical support at 1-888-847-3541.
GOLD address file still not working correctly
The Gold address book is still working correctly. I have had issues with this from the very beginning. If you transfer a name from 'All Contacts' into an address folder it will not stay in there. I also get duplications in the address folders. I have lost names in the address folders also. I have contacted AOL techs several times and they reset my address book only to have it not work properly again and again. You have advised me that you have reset my address book and refreshed the servers. You have a bigger problem than resetting servers. You…
I’d like to have one of our Technical Support agents look deeply into the issue you encountered with the address book. Please call our AOL Desktop Gold team at 1-888-265-3733. Our experts are available 24/7 by phone.
AOL Gold has too many glitches. Does not work like old FREE version
The free old version was so much better than the new AOL which I now pay for. Constant issues, less options. Today it says I have 160+ emails and I can only see 3 in my New mail folder. Go back to the way it was. This is terrible,
Every two months my mail get deleted from new mail back for 2 months, how can I prevent this from happening ?
why does 2 months of my read email get deleted from my mail.
Aol will delete 2 months of my mail every few months ?
- Don't see your idea?