I don't want any ads popping up in E-mails and while browsing the AOLwelcomepage
I don't want any ads popping up in E-mails and while browsing the AOL welcome page
Joan Schliff commented
Dont want advertisement
Chet commented
Either give AOL to us free or Quit all the ads. Just how greedy are you?
Anonymous commented
Why do I have to go thru 15 pages of ads to read an article?? You put 2 sentences of the article on each page so that your many ads can pop all over each page. Wast of time and extremely aggravating. This alone (with all the other problems) had made me hate AOL. And to think I used to love it before Gold entered the picture.
Anonymous commented
I can't even read the news. The ads cover much of the news. It is hard to believe that AOL did this. After being a member since the 90-'s and loving AOL, I am now using less and less of it and will eventually leave. I get my news and weather elsewhere.... and I search with google, not AOL, because when searching with AOL the visited links do not change color and you can't even tell which URL's you already visited. Been comlaining about this for a long time and no-one bothers to fix it.
Anonymous commented
Intolerable. At least put the ads on the bottom and make them smaller. My mailbox takes up over 3/4 of the screen because of the ads at the right.
Anonymous commented
Seems like it takes hours to read the news in AOL now as we have to continually go to the next page. I give up and get a newspaper.
Marilyn Camden commented
News can't be read because ads keep popping up. I would not buy anything that blocks my view. Just ridiculous!
Anonymous commented
The advertisements covers most of the article content.
john petelinsek commented
Do not ever send me any pop up messages.
Anonymous commented
Too many ads. Can't read the articles
Anonymous commented
Paying alot of money for aol service when i really don't have to. There are way too many adds for the amount being charged for aol service. This is why people are leaving aol. If you wish that to continue keep up all the adds. Two this weekend locked my computer right off you news pages. Do something about the adds!
Get rid of the thousands of ads that appear on every story one tries to read. One: have to read 2 sentences and move to next page, then that continues to the end of story...This format is very unfriendly user. Have to go to another web site to read anything!
A lot of your news articles are 3-4 months old!!!!
The new improved, AOL GOLD IS WORSE than it was before. And, besides that, now we have to pay for it!!
When reading articles, the ads at the top and bottom are so large, they cover most of the page. If you want to read the article, there is only about an inch of the typed page that shows, that you can read.
zeke zeke commented
As AOL user from the beginning: Stop asking me to pay for pop up ads. I will never buy...a lot of good things lost with cheapened gold... to many repeat articles.. articles that you need to scroll through pages of ads..I promise not to pay attention to any of them.. no sense having AOL except for the ability to comment on headline news
Raymond Christopher commented
Still no improvement. I spend half my time on AOL GOLD clicking away obtrusive ads. Quite honestly, it's becoming intolerable, especially in view of the fact that AOL expects us to actually pay for this experience.
Howard commented
drop ads for sites I search and those added to your 70 selections.I no longer read any of it .provide me with an optional blank page.
Anonymous commented
delete all advertisements as i am paying for this service.
Anonymous commented
Stop the ads for paying customers. AOL is ruthless in making us watch their creepy ads. Stop it or im going to another company that i can block these intrusive ads, like Internet Explorer