When I sign off why wont browser history remove itself?

Larry Wilson commented
I want to automatically cleared the footprints when I close AOL Desktop Gold.
Steve Harris commented
REF....Footprints and sounds.........The "Clear Browser Cache" does not work when signing off....even though there is a check mark in the box. Its been reported numerous times now. Time to fix this.
And while your at it....bring back our option to use our own person sounds. Not the kiddie AOL sounds that you give us. Let us use our own sounds like in AOL 9.8 -
RON2 BURDA commented
I want my surfing history cleared whenever I sign off. Going to Settings>Browser>>Security>Clear Browser Cache on Exit, when checked, doesn't work. I have to manually clear my history before each signoff. Very irritating.
Anonymous commented
clear browser foot prints
Please restore the automatic clear browser feature to AOL gold. If you users do not want that feature teach them to un-check the boxes that way they can clear their browser manually.
Clearing browser foot printsAdditionally your browsers speed is half the speed of chrome, internet explorer etc. fix that please.
Jack S. commented
Make it possible to clear browser history "automatically" on exit. It can now only be done manually. It was available as an option before AOL GOLD and should be a simple fix.
dlswpfl dlswpfl commented
Could you add a browser setting option to clear browsing history on exit?
Anonymous commented
New look of the AOL Webpage
Well, I just want to give a compliment to AOL, for improving its Webpage! It looks good. A lot cleaner and a lot more appealing I must. Attractive. It took you all, sometime, to do this. But, I got to give you all a BIG thumbs-up!Oh, and do FIX the SETTINGS/Clear Browser on Exit feature. It does work like you to - with old version. I have to MANUALLY clear it, each and every time. There is a problem there.
John Stewart commented
Yes, AOL is simply *********.... why I continue to use it sometimes is beyond me, just habit I suppose... Next to our ******* president, the folks at AOL come close to the top of my list.
Anonymous commented
Here's a great idea, why don't you catch up with the rest of the world and stop using AOL. Get Gmail and enjoy your life more.
[Deleted User] commented
Is anyone at AOL looking at all these customers who need a simple option made available to them. Just reinstate what we had before where we had an option to clear our browser history automatically on sign off.
Anonymous commented
Browsing History doesn't clear when I signed out and signed back in. AOL GOLD is really really bad! Please let us download a previous version that actually worked.
JERRY D SMITH commented
Does anyone ever read these REQUESTS/SUGGESTIONS ???? I DON'T BELIEVE SO.
Rick commented
Why did AOL Gold omit quality features of previous AOL version?
Anonymous commented
You CAN do this....
edit > browser settings > Security > clear cache on exit
cokies, clear on exit. -
Why must I manually delete browser history by going to settings each time i sign off ? 9.8 did it automatically
Steve Grosvald commented
We used to be able to click a preference and all browsing history would automatically be deleted. It is not now available why? Is it for AOL to track and sell if we don't manually clear it? This is particularly important as it relates to banking transactions. Now we have to got to settings, security, etc.
William L Johnson commented
FIX IT AS IN THE OLDER VERSIONS that really worked
Harold Wingler commented
Will we ever be able to select to have an option to delete Browsing history automatically on sign off?
Anonymous commented
i have the same problem and it is a serious one.
Anonymous commented
Please tell me where the history is. Is it the sites you visited that are shown in the address bar? If not, where is it? Also, how do you manually delete the history so that you can save and not delete certain sites?