Search mail feature!
When I search for a particular email address, I want mail "from that one person". I now get ALL the emails that this person was included in, such as in 'group' emails, like my Lions club. Some of those people also send me "personal" emails and I want to be able to search for the one particular email from that one particular person. This is how this "search" used to work and how it SHOULD work. Please switch this feature back to how it is driving me crazy!
Anonymous commented
In search, make the default the person's address.
Anonymous commented
I agree that search should not be set to subject. It has to be set to the person's email address. Also I agree that when searching for an email address that you sent mail to, only that address should come up. Right now the search is worthless and aggravating.
sharon commented
I agree with the noted comments. I shouldn't have to reset the search option every time I use it. Can we get a default of which option we want to search with? In the past we did not have to keep changing it. Aol seems to be making things difficult to use vs easier. Thanks.
Anonymous commented
Agree strongly. AOL keeps making it harder for us by the day. Aside from that, AOL has taken away everything that was good about the program.
Anonymous commented
Both comments are correct are are driving me crazy. When I search for something that is what I want to find. Not unrelated emails. Also... search should be set to entire email and not subject. Even better wold be to leave it at the lat choice we used until we change that.
s commented
The default search used to be "subject and email address", now it is set for "subject only" which has to be changed every time I need to search for an email. Yet another waste of time AOL Gold has created and won't fix.