Put the option to opt out of interest based advertising back
AOL changed the opt out of interest based advertising. It used to be easy , now it's so complicated and doesn't actually let you have the option anymore. You used to be able to get it down to only a few, but now, with that option removed. You are subject to an average of 135 different companies tracking and targeting you.AOL doesn't care bout the customer, they are only about advertising, if we pay for AOL service, they only profit more. AOL, no longer stands for "America On Line" It's "Advertising On LIne"

Anonymous commented
Funny thing is that they made us sign up for gold and pay, then sneakingly took away our allow only mail feature without telling us. they took away our buddy list. im's, lifestream, ability to block unwanted senders mail..the block suggestions are pitiful and useless..do you really think they'd help us with that when they make tons of money off of these ads all over the place? Some of these ads emails are very filthy to...how does aol get away with is..isn't it illegal ??
Anonymous commented
I am thoroughly disgusted with all the ads on the welcome page & on any article shown that I might try to read. Ads pop up all over each side & on top & bottom of page, plus some have movement in them. How in ****'s name is one going to read anything with all that commotion? AOL sure is going down hill doing this.
Anonymous commented
As a subscriber for years, and more years than that - what am I paying for? Ads and more ads of products I have not interest in. AOL support advises there is nothing they can do - its part of the internet. My AOL page is from you, not the internet. Get rid of the ads or you will lose me as a customer!
Anonymous commented
It is disgusting that as soon as you log on to AOL, you are inundated with ads and if you try to opt-out, it is a long, tedious task through Verizon Media, that doesn't even work. It previously was easy to opt-out of advertising, but this no longer is the case. It may be time to join the modern world and drop antiquated AOL. Having to pay monthly for a service that no longer offers useful customer service is an insult and a waste of money.
Anonymous commented
I totally agree!
Butch Freeman commented
I am an original AOL member from Texas when AOL did stand for American Online, not American Advertising. BUT133 is my main signin that you can verify. I miss the old AOL.