adobe flash
Can AOL please stop with the reminder that Adobe Flash is not installed? Flash was discontinued by Adobe at the end of 2020. They recommend that it should be uninstalled, since it is (was) a buggy product and a security risk.

find a fix for adobe flash replacement
Hal Meyer commented
the poker game that I was playing for so long is not working because of the adobe flash. I'm hoping you'll fix this issue for us. Thank you!
JOHN BOYLE commented
Games on AOL Desktop Gold is not working because of Adobe Flash Player.. Please Fix this
ROBERT HALL commented
Games on my AOL Desktop Gold is not working because of Adobe Flash Player. Please fix this
robert wills commented
Some of the games I play is no longer working because of Adobe Flash Player.
Please fix this -
Aceshigh717 commented
What can I use to replace Adobe Flash Player???
with flash player reaching end of life on the 12th what is aol doing to drop flash player
Tristan Escher commented
AOL no longer knows what to do with Flash being uninstalled. It also takes on average between 17 and 23 seconds between logging on and welcome screen/email to appear.
I can do this on my phone or using Windows 10 mail in about 20 seconds.
The email box itself is bloated with ads that are obviously the most updated and worked on 'feature' of this necromancy of software. I still use it, now that the awful Desktop Gold version is no longer a mandatory part of this, but man if they'd just give up on the whole masquerading as a social media outlet where actual chat interactions and information that deviates from outrage and politics to things that might actually be interesting.
Please, overhaul this mess, the ad revenue can't be more than operating costs, just ******* cull it, take from the Windows10 mail module and rebuild it as a Lite app. Save what little face AOL has left, it deserves more love than this, after all these years we still haven't optimized it for the (at the time) modern technology it was supposedly supporting.
Verizon owns you? There really needs to be a dialog at the adult's table where these things can be discussed. There's no reason I should utilize three different email clients that aren't affiliated with AOL in anyway to check my AOL because desktop gold is a sluggish defective set of bandaids.
Hear me AOL, we still matter
Kathy Callahan commented
What will happen to Desktop Gold when Flash Player is blocked on Jan 12th?
Kathy Callahan commented
Adobe is discontinuing Flash Player and will block access in a few days. What happens to my desktop gold?