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  1. 52nd ranked

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  2. AOL app not working with new Samsung Android 13 dowload

    AOL needs to update phone app for Android 13. Samsung pushed new Android 13 and the AOL email app works horribly. When replying to a messsage, the message repeatedly drops to the bottom of the original message. After scrolling back to the top and typing a few words, it drops again. Repeat and repeat. There are also small little characters on each line, a small box with obj in it. Reinstalling the app is the only thing the help desk knows to do. It does not work, trust me, we have tried multiple times, just hoping AOL did an update.…

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  3. 52nd ranked

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  4. Allowing people to post on topics and issues related to technology

    Allowing people to post on topics and issues related to technology

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  5. die Option zum Anzeigen der Anzahl der E-Mails im Spam-Ordner

    In der Vergangenheit wurde die Anzahl der Spam eMails im Spam Ordner angezeigt, genau wie z.Bsp bei den "neuen eMails" oder bei "Entwurf". Das hat den Vorteil, dass man sofort erkennt, dass dort eMails gelandet sind. Das sind ja häufig wichtige eMails, die irrtümlich im Spam Ordner sind.
    Ich plädiere dafür diese Funktion wieder zu aktivieren.

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  6. Autofill email addresses started in TO: box at top of email when sending messages. This feature stopped in my account about 2 months ago?

    Why has this very timesaving feature stopped happening, I've been told by your Helpdesk this updated version of the AOL product doesn't support this feature? What, please revert to offering it. Thanks. Wendy

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  7. Sort out Groupe emails.

    When I make a Group, of contacts, some names list Christian name first, some with Surname. Stupid and irritating. The list, by default, is based on email address, which is stupid. There ought to be options available, of base it on some sense.

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  8. Check other accounts from AOL mail

    Add ability to check outside mail accounts. I have an outside mail account that I would like to be able to check and manage through my AOL mail. Currently if I forward mail from this outside account into my AOL mail I start getting blocked due to some spam that is received at this other address. Adding the ability to check outside accounts allows the mail to come into my AOL account without being marked as spam.

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  9. Provide email receipt notification

    Email receipt notification,we are all asking for this to be re-established what is the issue here..

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  10. 52nd ranked

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  11. How can you improve? Get a pen, Jack.

    1. STOP rejecting comments which do not violate comm guidelines.
    2. STOP providing NO REASON for comment rejection.
    3. STOP completely and utterly ignoring the hundreds upon hundreds of complaints regarding this.
    4. STOP marking legit complaints as "reviewed" without actually doing anything about it. Do one right thing. Either fix your comment system or get rid of it all together.
      You can probably taste my frustration with you. Imagine what actions of yours have caused me to react in this way. YOUR fault. FIx your ish!
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  12. It's simple. If a comment doesn't violate your guidelines, you don't reject it. Mind blown?

    When will you make an address? When we you announce that you've at least heard our multitude of complaints?
    GIVE ME AN ANSWER, lazybones!

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  13. Another marked as "Reviewed" that you've actually just ignored. Fix it. We are FED UP.

    AOL refuses to allow my comments to post,saying it doesn't comply with their guidelines.....even though my comments aren't vulgar or offensi

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  14. You marked this polite complaint as "reviewed" so that you didn't have to deal with it. Now it's back. Deal with it.

    Conversation Monitoring
    I understand the desire to keep the 'Conversation' board a civil place, which does require rules and 'guidelines'. However, I believe that far too often AOL's monitoring process limits and even excludes legitimate language and conversation.

    This is not a complaint about 1st Amendment violations, or censorship... It is simply a complaint that honest, civil, and forthright comments and opinions are being rejected for reasons that are not obvious, reasonable, or understandable.

    I don’t normally post quick, superficial, 1- or 2-line comments! I prefer to present well considered and researched, factual, informative, and thought-provoking posts; and I spend…

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  15. You've marked this as "Reviewed" without, naturally, actually addressing it. Stop being bad.

    My comments on news articles are being rejected again. I was able to post in Dec. and Nov. I always follow guidelines
    What is the problem. I always follow guidelines. Is it because I'm a conservative and not a lib. Libs can say almost anything and they never get rejected. If I follow guidelines, let me comment. If this bias problem continues, how can we improve AOL. My feedback for AOL is negative

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  16. You've ignored--er, "reviewed" the following yet have done nothing as usual. Now it's back in your cue. Enjoy!

    Why are my comments being blocked when I didn't post anything to warrant it?
    My account is being blocked from posting and I didn't have any posts blocked. What gives?

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  17. You've marked this as "Reviewed" without, naturally, actually addressing it. Stop being bad.

    My comments on news articles are being rejected again. I was able to post in Dec. and Nov. I always follow guidelines
    What is the problem. I always follow guidelines. Is it because I'm a conservative and not a lib. Libs can say almost anything and they never get rejected. If I follow guidelines, let me comment. If this bias problem continues, how can we improve AOL. My feedback for AOL is negative

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  18. You also marked this as "Reviewed" without actually doing anything about it. Are you too good to simply answer? Even an "I don't know."

    Read Comments "Before" Banning Someone
    I certainly understand that comments to news articles may be offensive.

    I also think AOL jumps the gun and bans people from commenting before actually reading their comment.

    In a divided country, it's difficult not to offend someone without walking on eggshells. I fell victim to AOL's "overly strict" censorship and was banned. Unfairly, I believe.

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  19. You've marked this as "Reviewed" without actually doing anything. What an easy job you have! Now it's back in your cue! Yay!

    AOL can't tell me why my news article comments are always rejected, even though I follow guidelines
    How about letting me make comments on news articles. I follow guidelines. Many others fill the same way. I called AOL and they couldn't tell me anything, bunch of no nothings working there They want to know how to improve AOL and I just told them

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  20. You've marked the following as "Reviewed" while doing nothing about. Back to the cue with you! Now you have to repeat your work. Happy?

    My comments are continually rejected. I've commented for years and have a 775K Reputation. How do I get back into the Conversations?
    My comments are being rejected continuously for no reason. I've been commenting for years and have a 775K Reputation. How do I get back into the Conversations???

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