PLEASE stop posting photos of abused animals on welcome screen!
Many AOL users keep asking AOL to stop posting photos of abused or starving animals on the Welcome Screen, yet AOL continues to do so. There is no way to opt out of seeing these horrific photos, so you sign onto AOL and the first thing you see is a photo of an abused dog or other animal. I'm not sure any AOL administrator actually sees our requests on this because all we ever get is the robotic answer, "Thank you for your feedback." If any human AOL employee sees this, PLEASE do something about posting these horrific photos of tortured animals!

Vivian commented
The only thing that aggravates me about these photos and ads is when I'm watching TV and a commercial comes on about animal abuse. They really upset me, and I turn the channel -
it isn't that I don't care, because I DO care. My dog is a rescue (tho I'm not sure if I rescued him or that he rescued me), and I do contribute to help animal abuse agencies, but seeing those abuse commercials is very disturbing to me. -
Butch Freeman commented
I agree.
Anonymous commented
There are plenty of unwanted ads that you cannot stop. I've got a gmail account now and am switching all my services to google. Soon I'll be able to trash AOL.
I've asked over andover and no help. -
NICK SCHRIER commented
I agree what is wrong with aol??? Use to be a decent service Now it anti Tump trash!!!!!!
Anonymous commented
This is the main reason I no longer go to the AOL mail.