Restore original AOL features and Upgrade Values of News Content
There are many issues that need to be addressed in AOL Gold and I have reached out many times to customer service. It takes 15 minutes for the program to let me sign in... My major complaint is the content in which AOL is reporting in the news feed. It is one step away from The Nat'l Enquirer. Celebrities who crave publicity and crooks who prey on children seem to spotlight the headlines. I won't bother mentioning politics since we all are aware of the bias...AOL used to give choices as to what news we need on a daily basis. Instead we are subject to nudity and ignorance displayed by young starlets we don't need to know. (The new dysfunctional Royal couple for example) Thank you for allowing me to express my concerns and please restore all the lovely features we enjoyed before the flip in managements.

Kathryn Jolowicz commented
Your wonderful human interest features are very interesting to read, but one must go next, next, next for 20 minutes. Before you got Huffington Post it was a pleasure to read your headlines.
Such a waste of time for you to go through all the trouble to source the stories and place them on AOL, which no one can any longer have time to read. Is there any way I can get rid of that category? It is just too frustrating to see the titles and not be able to read the stories. Who ever figured that program, should be shot! -
It would be really good if you would redo the response areas to responding to posts for articles. There are many complaints. I pay for this AOL and if I reply to someones post WITHOUT foul language, it should go through. It takes time to post and then YOU for some invalid reason, delete a response. That is not fair. Please reevaluate this! Thank you!
mitch commented
I will never again click onto one of your headlines, all they are is one big pop-up. If the story has any merit you have to read around all the adds that keep being imposed over the print. If you put up with that you come to NEXT PAGE? I may have been born at night but it wasn't last night. For what you charge I expect more class!