AOL hopelessly radical left leaning...
After being a subscriber for over 25 years, I must say I am utterly disappointed that AOL has become so is one thing to lean left, but to provide statistics based on their opinion is not worthy of them. I only wish they would get back to reporting facts and at least, try to stay neutral politically....half the country is conservative, some how they cannot accept that FACT!!

Eric Shane commented
report them to your represenatives with screen shots of the behavior they will be called out
JAMES KING commented
I cannot believe that AOL posts such false information. Twitter CEO leaving no way and AOL thinks he should because he is exposing the crooks in the media. Post non bias information and let me decide if it is factual or not. Keep your opinions out of your news.....
RICHARD Smith commented
I have been banned from posting also, for no logical reason. I can't even post "Good Morning" without it being censored for violating community standards. No way that I know of to get back posting rights. Just another Twitter (before Musk).
Eric Shane commented
yahoo /aol will be exposed when social media gets scrutinized
Eric Shane commented
maybe elon will buy yahoo and clean up aol
Eric Shane commented
im still being censored for an unknown reason guess i hurt someones feelings with the truth
Eric Shane commented
its Saturday 12/3 and AOL is barely functioning except the censors which ate in high gear
Eric Shane commented
Its a beautiful day is censored
SCOTT ARNIM commented
the ***'s shut me off over a year ago; i have no idea why.
RICHARD Smith commented
Eric Shane commented
mark z should buy it since aol is corrupt like him
Eric Shane commented
I was banned for telling the truth and reporting problems. I now daily flag all their community standards violations
DAN GANNON commented
I have not see one good review, you have become a tabloid and I don't understand why you don't do something about it.
ptwhitecloud commented
Aol is in the back pocket of the democrats!!! Tooo liberal and nonsensical!!
michael DAVIDSON commented
Even knowing this, AOL will not change their position for the sake of half their subscribers...does that make sense? One has to wonder why they let someone be in charge that has this agenda?
LEON SUTTON commented
I keep AOL only because I have such a good email address, my name followed by And AOL has many technical problems that they do not care enough about to spend the money to fix.
John Jenney commented
AOL has received this type of feedback for years and, if anything, they're become more liberal. They refuse to accept the fact that half the country leans conservative. The first thing I do now when I open open up AOL is close the home page. The headlines are blatantly left leaning and deceitful.
agree. Way to far left leaning. Stay neutral. Also, fix issues that make aol operate smoother. Slow and clumsy but I have had it all my life and everything is tied to my email
Eric Shane commented
AOL is more worried about censoring me then fixing their platform!
michael DAVIDSON commented
To further my point about being censored, I experimented by trying to post a sentence verbatim from your story on the abortion issue, even putting it in italics, followed by 'bet it won't post'....and it didn't!. Word for word as you said it and it was censored? is that possible? It pertained to the 15 weeks in which an abortion should be limited to.....censored and I got the message about not meeting community standards. Does anyone read these or just censor them because a certain word was used "abortion".....I don't get it.