AOL Mail Norrin
Tell us how we can improve your AOL Mail experience. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review them regularly and take them very seriously.
Please contact our help site if you’re experiencing an issue that prevents you from using Mail as expected.
1104 results found
Combining multiple Mailboxes under one sign-in page.
I have several email addies, have to sign out of each to in order to go to the page that contains mail from one of the other addresses.
580th ranked -
color code messages
Would like to assign different colors to different messages so I can quickly identify subject matter. For instance mail from personal friends and another color to business email or financial, etc.
580th ranked -
email checkbox size on web browser
Please make the checkboxes on the web browser view of mail a larger size + click area like it used to be!
886th ranked -
340th ranked -
281st ranked
block all the emails that start with TEMU or HELPING HAND. you would cut my SPAM in half
Anything you can do to cut down junk mail would be appreciated. Seems like you got rid of some, only to have it come back on steroids
422nd ranked -
The current batch of pictures to personalize the email page are some of the ugliest I've ever seen. Bring back the old olds!
580th ranked -
9 out of 10 top rated suggestions are the same. LISTENING?!
your customers have made their voices heard. when will you listen? all I want to do today is to access my email without having to give everything but my blood type. now that I have my account locked up for too many attempts I am even more furious
580th ranked -
I pretty much would love to keep this formation, but I wish that there was an option check box to the right of each message as it was/is wit
I would love to have the option to delete each email as I read it by clicking to the right of the subject as in the basic form of email.
886th ranked -
Allow embedding/inserting of images in email!
The work-around is terrible ... the "attached" images are too small to see (what is now considered "large" used to be medium) ... and you must make it so that, after attaching an image it allows you to automatically return to that some picture folder since most attachments are a consectuive group of images! That's how it USED to work before your "improvements," and now it just reverts back to a random folder -- the one you were in BEFORE you started attaching, which means you must search for other images to attach from scratch rather than easily getting back…
580th ranked -
Is there ANY chance of a holiday inspired background?
Christmas, New Years, Kwana, Hanukkah etc
340th ranked -
Not fit for purpose.
I can't tell you now much I hate what you've done with my email.
The font is uncontrollable. If I choose the best of a bad lot, it doesn't stick.
If I alter the spacing of my paragraphs, the font size shrinks for everything below that so my emails look as if they were sent by a 5 year old. It's embarrassing.
If you refuse to change it back, which is obviously the case,. at least make sure this version works.
580th ranked -
How do I delete a wrong attachment!!!!
I have just attached the wrong file to an email and I can't delete it unless I delete everything I have already typed!!! What a superb improvement!!! Whoever is paying AOL programmers to ***** up what was a very KISS system ( Keep It Simple and Stupid) are getting their monies worth. I have never come across a program with so many problems that has been put out for use to the public and no notice is taken by the programmers to fix simple but glaring problems
580th ranked -
2 accounts signed on same time
It would be really helpful is we could be signed in on 2 or more accounts at the same time
886th ranked -
Please bring back the old email format.
Please bring back the older email format. Contact Groups are now much more difficult and many n0n-spam emails are being directed to my Spam folder. You are frustrating many, many people with your changes. Leave well enough alone.
580th ranked -
would love to see more themes like christmas
mail themes need more to choose from. like Christmas, new years, Valentine's, Easter, and all the holidays and seasons.
340th ranked -
Option to not trap spam emails.
Make spam checking optional. Let me handle it in my PC's email app. I'm tired of waiting for emails only to find them hidden in YOUR spam folder!!
580th ranked -
Classic back in live please
Hello ""Support"" are you there ????? Hello , Hello ....Back to classic please
580th ranked -
Awful current system, if one can call it that is Primitive and quite 3rd World. Go Back to Classic
It doesn't matter how many requests are made to revert back to a world beating system, you will carry on with this 3rd World excuse for an email system. But you still solicit request on how to improve this awful system.
Quite why you do that , when you take not a jot of interest is quite sad.580th ranked -
Double vérification
La double vérification est une catastrophe. Le délai de réception est beaucoup trop long. De plus il n'est pas toujours envoyer à la 1ere demande. Attente d'une minute pour réclamer un 2eme envoi. C'est insupportable.
422nd ranked
- Don't see your idea?