AOL Mail Norrin
This forum is for you to make product suggestions and provide thoughtful feedback. We’re always trying to improve our products and we can use the most popular feedback to make a positive change!
Tell us how we can improve your AOL Mail experience. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review them regularly and take them very seriously.
Please contact our help site if you’re experiencing an issue that prevents you from using Mail as expected.
1154 results found
Block Sender
Put Back the Block Sender button, why did you remove the most sensible change, It was simple quick and needed few actions . Now lost how do I Block nuisance spam mail!!!!!!¬
60th ranked -
still don't like new format
There are so many things that just don't work with this new format. Obviously it will never go back to the old format and people are forced to deal with the mess AOL created if we want to keep our AOL email address that we've had for 30 years. One thing that is driving me crazy is when I want to respond to a particular email, I click it and ALL the emails come up that are part of this conversation. So then I have to search for the one email that I wanted to respond to. It's maddening! Why…
909th ranked -
add capability to insert (not attach) pictures inline. My god, every mail engine on the planet can do this
what? I can't inline insert a picture? Even gmail lets me do that. Please add this. I cannot believe you've gone backward in time.
396th ranked -
Vulgar emails
Allow subscribers to add more than 1000 blocked addresses to their blocked list (unless you are going to screen the highly inappropriate and vulgar messages that get through). I already pay for "less ads" but was told (Case# 21539778) that in order to get more in my blocked list it would cost an additional $39.99/month. PLEASE GET RID OF SEXUAL EMAILS, SCAMS AND BAD ACTORS. You are not doing enough at all.
396th ranked -
deconnexion automatique
Comment deconnecter automatiquement mon compte après x mn de non utilisation ?
557th ranked -
stop letting bored people change mail settings without asking individual permission. i cant get rid of the wonderful side bar
i can't see my email on my android phone now. The ones making these changes really don't care about keeping people using aol
396th ranked -
the search option for email addresses, DOES NOT WORK, it only works for a few not for all like it used to under the longtime platformj
the search option for email addresses, DOES NOT WORK, it only works for a few not for all like it used to under the longtime platform
557th ranked -
Your new mail format still stinks.
Get rid of the date separations. I just want a clean list of my e-mails
909th ranked -
loosing email a new feature of AOL new improved mail service!
That is right AOL's new improved mail now looses you email on certain devices. Just when you think we could not make our service worse just wait and well prove we can make it worse.
557th ranked -
396th ranked -
Holiday themes
PLEASE, PLEASE bring back the holiday themes for AOL. Mail. There are only 13 to choose from, and only seasons. I miss the cute trees and snowmen and Thanksgiving and Halloween choices.
134th ranked -
You can improve your news feed by just telling unbiased facts and stop the left lean on all your stories. Quit censoring conservative remark
Stop leaning so hard left.
396th ranked -
Fix the log in interface
When I log into my paid account the first thing I get is an ad for free AOL mail. I have to click though that screen to finish logging in. It's annoying and a waste of time.
557th ranked -
909th ranked -
Restore actual time stamps on emails received on previous dates.
Posting "yesterday's date," instead of the actual time stamp on emails previously sent or received hinders that use of actual times for critical emails that are time sensitive. Please restore that needed function.
909th ranked -
Thanksgiving themes, Christmas themes, New Year's Day themes, Valentine themes, etc, etc, etc
I am totally agreeing with the 83rd ranked, holiday themes are very important such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, Valentine's Day, etc., etc., etc. The previous version when we used the AOL program or whatever you want to call it had those themes.
102nd ranked -
909th ranked
Autocorrect while typiing
When are you going to restore the autocorrect while typing issue? It works here in the feedback field; why can't you FIX IT in the email fields?
My browser is and always has been set to autocorrect spelling. AGAIN, it works here in this field. PLEASE FIX AUTOCORRECT SPELLING in the email field!!!!!!!909th ranked -
It is not an idea but I have down loaded the new Norton Secure browser and when I open an e-mail it indicates who sent it but the the contex
It is not an idea but I have down loaded the new Norton Secure browser and when I open an e-mail it indicates who sent it but the the context never opens up.
909th ranked -
Choice of Font Size, Color, etc.
RULE OF THUMB...NEVER TAKE AWAY features from the customer who pays...ONLY ADD new features that enhance your customer's experience!
"You Got Mail!" is AOL's trademark. Thus, that should be the principal ingredient where AOL should EXCEL! You have made a positive move by "Updating and IMPROVING the Quality" of writing emails. However, you have made unfavorable changes that have made writing emails more unpleasant.
"If it ain't broke...DON'T FIX IT!!!!"
You have REMOVED the CHOICE of one of the most critical COMPONENTS of letter writing...the "personalization" and "individuality" of an email to equate with the…557th ranked
- Don't see your idea?