AOL Mail Norrin
Tell us how we can improve your AOL Mail experience. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review them regularly and take them very seriously.
Please contact our help site if you’re experiencing an issue that prevents you from using Mail as expected.
1104 results found
422nd ranked
Auth 2.0 security is not fit for purpose
Since this system came about email on iphones has been sketchy to say the least, numerous account errors, mail not downloaded from server. Mail not syncing with the server across different devices. basically it is rubbish. Never had the issue before deleteing and re adding the account does nothing.
422nd ranked -
If I pay AOL mothly I should not have to pay for Ad Free mail
If I pay you monthly I should not have to pay for Ad Free mail.
190th ranked -
Let me change the message notification sound like apple does. I do not like the default sound and there appears to be no way to change it.
Option to Select from message notification sound from list of sound options.
422nd ranked -
Allow a "back" button for mistakes
Many times, I have accidentally deleted an entire or a portion of a sentence while typing. Then, I would have to remember what it was I typed and retype it again. It would be nice to have an UNDO, REVERSE, or BACK button to bring back the portion of the sentence or sentences that were accidentally deleted by my clumsy fingers.
Please add an UNDO, REVERSE, or BACK button. This would be so helpful!
580th ranked -
Allow users to change the order of labels
Allow users to change the order of labels such as Inbox, Sent, Spam, Trash, etc, so they can be easily accessed by how frequently they are used
886th ranked -
Please increase the number of blocked email addresses from the max of 1,000 today.
Please greatly increase the number of blocked email addresses from the max of 1,000 today. 10,000 is not enough!
28th ranked -
Permettez au gens que quand il veulent supprimer leur compte il puisse le faire
Permettez au gens que quand il veulent supprimer leur compte il puisse le faire
580th ranked -
Prioritize the main function
It has become a major hassle to type an email. I will type half a sentence and then see nothing on the screen. By prioritizing putting animated ads in front of our faces, you've degraded your system to junk. Its like a race car that instead of just being covered in sponsor decals, its 10 tons of Jumbotron TV screens bolted to the body run by a 10,000 amp generator on the engine.
47th ranked -
Two years or so after you screwed up everything about AOL mail, you would think you could have a way to scroll down through mail
Purge all the changes you made two years ago and get back to being able to scroll through mailbox, basic, simple but too hard for you "brains"
422nd ranked -
Make it easier to read and write our emails with proper fonts (Bold) since it defaults too light!
Make it easier to read and write our emails with proper fonts (Bold) since it defaults too light!
422nd ranked -
It should have ribbon which contains all icons such as: File, Home, View, Insert, Review, Paste, layout, Normal, Recall, Read/Unread, etc
AOL Mail should have a ribbon (which it doesn't have) with icons: File, Home, View, Review, Insert, Paste, Recall, Read/Unread, Normal, Layout, etc.
281st ranked -
Sidebar is ridiculous
580th ranked -
Improve the parameters of your search function for inbox/mail
The search function is currently very inefficient. I am trying to get rid of SPAM in my inbox so do a search for it and it tells me "nothing to see here" for search result(s) however when I go to my inbox, I'm finding emails from the places/people that I just did a search on with no results. It clearly is NOT working the way it's suppose to. Not to mention, having the search for both "mail" and "web" in the same search area is very confusing, and I think might be A factor in to why it isn't working…
281st ranked -
Give us a choice in a drop down on how many emails we want to delete at a time in multiples of 20
I would like to be able to choose how many emails I want to delete . I think we should have a choice starting with 20 and selecting in multiples of 20. (40, 60, 80, 100-all.). I get hundreds of emails a week and most is junk, but I still need to scroll through all to make sure I don't delete something important. Please give us a choice. It would be an easy fix on your end.
580th ranked -
Some new ideas about Kontakte
Die Sortierung der Kontakte nach den Vornamen ist völlig ungebräuchlich. Es gibt kein Verzeichnis, das nach Vornamen sortiert ist. Man kann es umstellen auf Sortierung nach Familiennamen, aber es springt immer wieder bei Neustart zurück.
Auch die bunten Zeichen oder Wappen bei jedem Kontakt sind eine dumme Spielerei.
Es ist auch unsinnig, wenn ein Teil der Kontakte nicht angezeigt werden und extra aufgerufen werden müssen.
Weiter Mängel werde ich später mitteilen.580th ranked -
Close out my message when I click "Keep As New".
Gmail already has this feature and I really like it!
886th ranked -
Stop the icons for Contacts, Calendar, Settings etc continually reverting to a horizontal display that obscures part of the mailbox.
I keep changing them to a vertical display and they keep changing back.
580th ranked -
Please add email function to choose to encrypt a msg, & attachments
security needs are becoming tighter. Find that others are sending me encrypted msg. re: financial and health. But i cannot respond likewise
886th ranked -
Please widen the email reading/writing window
The right side-panel, wherein I find my contacts, etc. (instead of the old setup on the left side), takes up too much screen for reading email properly. I am a paying customer and you tell me if I get the FREE VERSION I can have a wider email screen.?...Really, truly? I pay, why would you offer this to a free version person and not the paying version person? Illogical. Unless that panel holds ads and you want me to be harrassed by ads. Hmmm. Maybe this should be fixed, thought through and fixed. It is obvious from comments that people…
580th ranked
- Don't see your idea?