Transfer saved email
In AOL Desktop Gold, there is no way to transfer email saved on my PC to another computer. Even right clicking a piece of mail or folder and clicking "move" does nothing. We need this functionality.

The options to import and export the personal filling cabinet, in AOL Desktop Gold, are now available. You can use these two options in case you need to transfer your personal filing cabinet (Saved on My PC) from one computer to another, as well as creating a back-up (using export).
For more information about using these new features, please check the following article:
Steven commented
I want the old AOL Organize Folder back that contains all my in/sent emails since I've been a member so I can PERSONALLY back it up on an external drive as I have been doing for years.
Thanks you. -
J. Cantrell commented
This isn't a new idea. I simply want you to install a way for us to backup and restore our email and personal filing cabinet. This was in every version of AOL until GOLD. I used to be able to grab my backup and put my AOL on any computer and restore my entire PFC with no problem.
Now I can't. The feature isn't even there and I am now one crash away from losing everything in my PFC. I backup my DB folder now but it won't restore anything if I need to put AOL on a different computer. This means I am one crash away from leaving AOL forever because if I lose my PFC and have no ability to restore it, I will have no reason to keep your service. Please don't refer me to the tech dept. I have spoken to them several times. I'm just letting you know now, if I lose my PFC, AOL will become useless to me. We need backup and that so hard to do? -
BOB KRAMPETZ commented
I'm using Mozilla Thunderbird, it works with Desktop Gold, and I added the "Import/Export" addon for it. Download emails or folders from aol to a single transferable file or individual text files. The transferable file can be moved to another computer
Thunderbird worked with the old 9.8.2. AOL and earlier Don't know if it can reach the old PFC without the rest of 9.8.2,, but try it out.
bluebird01 commented
Does anyone know how to obtain a CD to install the AOL desktop version 9.8.2 to read old email in the Personal Filing Cabinet on an old computer or backed up on flashdrive. I understand one is not able to connect online with the old version 9.8.2, but I don't want online access. I just need to read old email offline.
I have tried mirror locations,, and , but they must go out to AOL servers to obtain the entire 9.8.2 application which is no longer available. Or does anyone have any knowledge to copy the entire AOL 9.8.2 application on an old computer to a different computer. Thank you.
PETER E HAAS JR commented
After 5 hours of speaking with tech support and three techs, there is a way to bring all saved emails --- PFC -- and address book from one computer to another -- both with AOL GOLD.
Go to Settings > General > My Data > Export. It takes some time but it does save the information in a file. Note where you have saved the information on your old computer. It did take a couple of tries to make sure that the exported file contained all the information so check the size of the file. Then using a flash drive or external drive, copy to your new computer. Open AOL GOLD on your new computer and "Import" and highlight that file. Again, it takes some time to do it by it did work. But it did. And was I happy since I have many years of saved emails in my PFC, let alone lots of stored addresses.
Now comes the gripe. This is something that should be very common. Why doesn't tech support know what to do and how to do it. I have had tech support tell me to use the import wizard. I had to tell them, that only works when you are transitioning from AOL 9.8 to AOL GOLD on the same computer. And in my case, I moved from the old desktop to AOL GOLD over six months ago. I have many saved emails during that time that would not be captured. A waste of time but since it worked I am a happy camper. -
Gail commented
Need restore function of Data Base folder's file/SQLLite DB contents from backup media or backup directory which would have stored my "saved on PC email folders content" to support a) migration from computer to new computer, b) disaster recovery from a prior backup of the "DB" folder due to either a lost or stolen or broken computer.
I am skeptical mail is even really stored on my PC. If it was, I wouldn't have to sign on to read it, and it would be possible to move it from one folder to another. Older emails won't move, most of the time. It all seems like a big hoax to me.
Anonymous commented
The last time I asked about this (in November 2017) I was told this feature was still not available. I have been patiently waiting for it to become available has removed the ability for users to access their PFC (personal filing cabinet) which contains all of our saved mail. In the past I would routinely back up my Organize folder (PFC) onto an external hard drive for protection in the event of a hard drive crash. Now I cannot do this because I have been told there is no way to access my Organize folder. Has this been fixed yet, if not, when will it be fixed? It is critical to me that I be able to access old emails in the event of a crash. Having access to my Organize folder has been a compelling reason for me remaining as a paid AOL customer for decades. As I have stated in the past, if I can't safely backup my Organize folder, I will give up and leave AOL and use another email service. Please fix this soon. Thank you.
Al commented
where's the export functionality?
Tom commented
All previous versions of AOL included the ability to save the "Saved on My PC" mail folder by backing up a file in the Organize file on C-Drive. Gold no longer offers this capability. PLEASE restore this function or I am getting rid of AOL forever!
Al commented
when will Export function be available so email folders on desktop can be ported to a laptop to keep all folders in sync when traveling?
Anonymous commented
Show us how to transfer emails "saved on my PC" to an new PC
Merrill Albury commented
For record keeping purposes make it possible to transfer files saved in AOL Gold folders to a folder(s) outside of the AOL account and on desktop in a format that can be available for personnel to review. Right now I must print out an email and then scan it back in to my desktop so I have a PDF file for record keeping. PAINFUL!!
Anonymous commented
I know right?? Verizon bought AOL, SCREWED it all up (nice egg on your face Verizon). Then bought Yahoo! So now you know what they are doing??? Yahoo (YAHOF) and AOL are expected to form a new company under Verizon called Oath. The new company is expected to launch this summer after Verizon's (VZ) acquisition of Yahoo is completed. Give me a break (pun intended - it's already broken) - this really SUCKS!
Anonymous commented
I used to be able to save my PFC to my local drive. This allowed me to use AOL email without having AOL open. Personal mail is just that, personal. It does not belong to AOL and it would seem 'illegal' for AOL to be doing this in my AOL Gold account.
Anonymous commented
I have done this with the .pfc for years, and have backup copies archived. Haven't tried it yet with the 'db'. If it won't work, I will likely be moving to a different e-mail platform.
Anonymous commented
I have a laptop for travel and a desktop for primary use. When I travel, in the past (9.8.2) I was able to copy 'organize' from the desktop to a thumb drive and insert it into my laptop. Then reverse the operation when I got back home. Although the pfc data in in the 'db' file, you representative told me it was not available for that action. I tried it and it isn't. Why not? This is an important function for me.
Anonymous commented
What kind of morons publish a required update that does not allow for retrieval of existing information saved in the PFC?
Anonymous commented
install the right click on images option to bring up the edit window option
and the text and background color options do not function at all
You cannot compact mail
it ignores paragraph spacing and runs everything together
there is no notificatio the you have mail waiting to be sent -
Your technicians are not trained on how AOL Desktop Gold works and most don't even know where the data file is located or what it's called. One told me that although AOL backs it up automatically, it's encrypted and even AOL cannot restore from it. What's the point of a backup if the file cannot be restored? And what's the point of saving mail on one's computer if it cannot be transferred to a new computer?