Email listing
In email listings, whenever hovering with the mouse on any email , it does not show the full email address if it is too long and gets cuts off by the subject line. Used to be able to do this in previous versions. of aol. I would appreciate if this can please be put back on. Thank you..

Michael commented
I used to be able to click on a senders address in my email list. This allowed me to see if I knew the sender and decide if it was legit or not. AOL no longer allows me to see the full address of the sender and determine if it is valid. Please restore the ability to just highlight an incoming email to see the full address of the sender
Anonymous commented
With 9.8 and earlier, all you had to do to check for spam (or add it to your spam list) was to move cursor over the address. Now it doesn't work. Please bring it back! It was an excellent timesaver. WAIT
- you don't care about timesavers from the old days! ;oP I'm a businessman - they're important to save time at work. -
[Deleted User] commented
when looking in the spam folder or any mail folder, it would be nice if someone could add a show email address when you turn a email blue and not opened to show its address. This would cut down on auto spam and scams
Anonymous commented
This is terrible and dangerous. AOL Gold bragged that they had improved security. That was a lie for many reasons. But this one is bad news. If I see an email from an unfamiliar email address I have always put the cursor over it to see more info. More and more I keep thinking I'd better leave AOL. Nothing works here and nothing is being fixed.
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
let me see the entire address of someone who has sent me email
Susan commented
Re program the whole mail system to the old version.
The incryption addition part of AOL is a great addition to our privacy, if it indeed keeps people and companies from being able to see what we type.
BOB KRAMPETZ commented
On the old Desktop, when I moved the mouse over an E-Mail Address, and the column was too narrow to show the entire name, The full name (wider than the column) would 'pop up' and I wouldn't have to KEEP making the column impossibly wide to read it..
Anonymous commented
To help reduce phishing, make the sender email address column wider so we can see the whole address. Some of these phishers are very creative and you don't realize it's spam until it might be too late.
Anonymous commented
Make your software work all the time. Make it show the user's email. Is that too much to ask?
Lawrence Blumenthal commented
Cursor does not highlight email subject line which was available in previous versions
Anonymous commented
before gold you could hover your curser over an email address to see where it really was coming from.....e.g. something from bank of america but reply hidden address has nothing to do with bank of america....VERY BAD
Anonymous commented
The rest of address doesn't come up - so much for spam control. Also, to get the whole title of the e-mail, I have to go to full screen, and then the e-mailer's address is still abbreviated. Another great nod to 9.8 and earlier versions! Please correct.
Pamela Armstrong-Manchester commented
Re Desktop Gold Inbox New E-mail address: we used to put the cursor over the email address to see the entire email address. That was an important safety feature. BRING THAT FEATURE BACK! Or, bring back 9.8.2!
Anonymous commented
Why can't I see the senders complete email address anymoe when I hover the mouse over it?
The favorites feature is a joke now. You can't find anything after you save it. Why can't I put it under a title so I'll know where to find it. Even when I change the title of it it stays in the same place it was when it took me 15 minutes to find the bloomin' thing!!! WHAT A MESS - IT MAKES FAVORITES USELESS.
Anonymous commented
How come when you highlight an email you have received it no longer shows the entire email address of the sender???!!! Without that I am not sure if I want to open the email !!!! The old version used to show the entire email address of the sender
Anonymous commented
Allow the ENTIRE e-mail address to show up when you place your cursor on a received e-mail so that you can intelligently answer your question of whether or not you recognize the sender and will accept or reject it. Very important and a feature that was available on the Desktop 9.8 version.