AOL Mail Norrin
Tell us how we can improve your AOL Mail experience. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review them regularly and take them very seriously.
Please contact our help site if you’re experiencing an issue that prevents you from using Mail as expected.
1046 results found
I just want classic email back. I've had it since 1995. Can't handle the change, don't mess up what already works.
1st ranked -
Please go back to Classic email. Why do you mess with what is already good? I do not have the time or interest for you to experiment on.
Stop using this format. Take a step back and fix your mistakes.
2nd ranked -
political ads
stop sending me political ads
3rd ranked -
Spell Check what happened to it.
Add a spell check
4th ranked -
I am fed up with the news stories being shared by AOL having an obvious political bias. I am quite capable of making my own political decis
Don't push your political values on me. just report without bias. I am very capable of making those decisions for myself. If prefer to keep to your path please let me know so, I may cancel my 25 year plus subscrition.
5th ranked -
Umm Hello? Why are my emails being grouped, when my grouped option, which took me forever to find (horrific new FORCED format) is turned off? I cannot see the screen well or read my emails well with any comfort with them grouped like this. I need one list, no grouping, I have trouble reading "too much" on one screen, it's medical. I DID NOT ASK FOR OR CONCENT to a new version of AOL of any kind, this was FORCED upon me, even though I said "NO" to the newer upgrade." Switch back to your tried and true version that…
6th ranked -
Get rid of the pop-up ads
Get rid of ads when you open mail. I've dislikes the same ones over and over, and they keep coming back. Ive tried to opt out, but it only got rid of 15 of 48 locations.
7th ranked -
Inappropriate ads
Inappropriate ads- it looks like Google is closing some ads when I select that it's inappropriate. But then it just sends me more!!!!! I don't need to see half naked women in bathing suits. I AM a woman not a dude, so quit sending me this **** and when you say you listen, MEAN IT. DO SOMETHING!
8th ranked -
Font size, color and type settings please!
We used to be able to SET or font size, color and type in settings. Right now I can only set size and type BUT it keeps defaulting to TINY when I set it in settings to MEDIUM. Please address this as I cannot read that TINY size well.
9th ranked -
It's absolutely critical that you allow re-allow wildcards to block spam mail and increase the number of blocks to 10,000 or more!
Been a subscriber since 1995! It's absolutely critical that you allow re-allow wildcards to block spam mail and increase the number of blocked senders to 10,000, or more!
10th ranked -
Go Back to classic!
I have looked for other places to go to, because you won't let us go back to classic. Or because you have not taken the best from classic and combined it with the best from the new. Frankly, you have just switched over to Yahoo in my opinion. There is nothing new about Aol. The only thing really good about Yahoo is the background and the calendar. I am searching right now for another email provider.
11th ranked -
Please expand the block senders list to more than 1000. I have so many spam emails that I want to block.
Please expand the block senders list to more than 1000. I have so many spam emails that I want to block.
12th ranked -
Hey AOL, did you get the message yet?
Still awful. PLEASE just go back to what we all want or give us the option to use the old version. The new layout here doesn't take getting used to, it's just bad and wasn't necessary. @AOL, do better by going back to what already worked.
13th ranked -
Make the letters larger...they are very hard t read for an older person who has eye sight problems.
Make the letters larger, they are very hard for an older person to read if the person has any eyesight problems.
13th ranked -
15th ranked
inappropriate ads on webmail
I am getting inappropriate ads when I got to open my email on a browser
I have kids that are seeing 1/2 naked women. As soon as I logout of an email the ads are there - I want to STOP THIS NOW!16th ranked -
17th ranked
More steps to do the same thing is NOT an improvement.
Having things on the bottom and the top is NOT convenient. Having to search instead of scrolling to find the folder to put your emails in is NOT faster or user friendly. Having the send button on the bottom stinks. I liked everything across the top, easy to see and use. This format is atrocious.
18th ranked -
no good type size and spacing options
As far as I can tell, there are only two type and spacing options...1: VERY small type..smaller (and thinner) font than I have ever used in email. OR 2: Giant type with huge spacing between lines...allowing very little information on a page....which is not an option at all...just a big, fat magnification of #1. Most email programs I have used have multiple type and spacing view and compose options.
19th ranked -
Please put SEND at the top of the mail window !!
Please put SEND at the top of the mail window !! Also some space at the bottom of the mail window please !!! I really want to have more control of the way my mailbox works.
20th ranked
- Don't see your idea?