AOL Desktop Gold
This forum is for you to make product suggestions and provide thoughtful feedback. We’re always trying to improve our products and we can use the most popular feedback to make a positive change!
This forum is not monitored for any support-related issues. If you need assistance of any kind, please visit our help site.
Tell us how we can improve your AOL Desktop Gold experience. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review regularly and take them very seriously.
109 results found
Restore the old spam settings. Now we only have one setting.
First you took away stationery and vast choice of fonts, emojis, etc. Then you changed how mail is set up (from new, old, sent, spam, deleted mail to current style) and the Spam settings from numerous choices to only one (blocked). it seems the longer we continue to PAY for AOL Gold, the less we are getting for our money. I see by the Feedback that I'm far from alone in feeling AOL Gold does not seem "golden" to your PAYING customers.
Wanted to let you all know that you now have the ability to block mail from unwanted senders. Please click the link here to learn more:
AOL Product Support -
Please return to the old date format of month/day/year. Thanks
Please return to the old date format of month/day/year. Thanks.
The option to change the Date format in your mailbox is now available.
Here are the steps to change the Date format:
1. Open AOL Desktop Gold and sign in.
2. Click on the ‘Settings’ icon on the toolbar.
3. Go to the ‘Mail’ category on the left.
4. Next to ‘Date Style’ select one of the options below.
Date Only (Month/Day/Year)
Show time for mail received today
5. Changes are saved automatically, so you can close the Settings window.In case you do not see the ‘Date Style’ option, you will need to update the AOL Desktop Gold to the latest revision. To do that, click on the Help menu on the top, select ‘Check for Updates’, and after 10-15 minutes close and re-open the software.
AOL on desktop computer
I want aol mail on my computer. How can I do that? I've always gotten it there in the past. Now there seems to be a problem with it. I don't understand because that has always been my go to mail source! I enjoy seeing it on a big screen and typing on a real keyboard. By the way I have been an AOL customer for as long as I can remember and pay for it monthly--not the free version! Help me!
To access AOL Mail on your computer, go to the following URL in a browser such as Safari, Firefox or Chrome:
Thank you!
AOL Mail Support -
Thank you for this suggestion. This feature is now available on the Files Only view. When in Mail Read, select Files Only from the drop down that is defaulted to Mail in the middle of the top bar. Then click on a message to highlight it and right click to select interactive preview.
Thank You!
Desktop Gold Support -
Show images button not working
when you read email and want to activate link etc it is not working
Thank you for your report. This issue will be fixed in the next update.
STOP the AOL pop up at sign on wanting me to subscribe to the "Breaking News to my inbox".....NO I DON' WANT TO SUBSCRIBE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Again...STOP the all AOL pop ups at sign on, especially wanting me to subscribe to the "Breaking News to my inbox", like I want all that garbage going to my inbox.....My reply is: NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO I don't want to subscribe!
The Product Team wants to ensure the best possible experience, so you should no longer see the “Breaking News” pop up when signing into ADG. We appreciate your patience!
AOL Product Support -
delete all
The delete all button in spam is the first button on right. All other windows have the delete button as the first button on right. This creates confusion. Habitually I hit the furthest right button. However, in spam I delete all msgs accidentally. Is there any help to re-obtain messages once permanently deleted? HELP!
This has been fixed based on your feedback. Thanks for bringing it to our attention!
larger font for mailbox
Larger font size for the mailbox, listing new mail. It used to be larger before but it seems that after the update and it gives me option to select small, medium and large. Upon selecting large, still its to small of a font size for me. I cant read my email on mail box. Please add XL or XXL font selection.
The option to change the font size in your mailbox is now available.
You can now choose between four font sizes, small, medium, large and extra large. To change the font size, first open your mailbox by clicking on the ‘Read’ button on the top left, then go to ‘Mailbox Options’ on the top right, and select your desired font size from the ‘Text size’ category.
In case you do not see the Text Size option, you will need to update the AOL Desktop Gold to the latest revision. To do that, click on the Help menu on the top, select ‘Check for Updates’, and after 10-15 minutes close and re-open the software.
Give back old sign in screen where you can see primary and secondary names and if either has messages.
On the old sign-in screen, you could see at a glance your primary and secondary screen names and if either had any messages. Now you only see one user name and you do not see if it has messages. And when you log into it to see if you have messages, it is a huge waste of time to have to get out of primary name and log into secondary name just to see if you have any messages there. Why would you go backwards and create a sign in screen that's not user friendly and one that purposely wastes…
Account payment
I am getting a screen message that I need to give updated account information on billing, or I will not be able to access. I don't respond that way, but when I try to sign on to my account it is down. What's happening?
Where have my Emails gone this morning????? Help.
AOL Gold is not the same. This morning, Where are my emails??
This issue has been resolved. Please restart AOL Desktop Gold and sign back on.
why is there no american flag in the custom icons for favorites
american flag in custom icons for favorites why not?
Change back to the old filing system where sent e-mail stored in the on-line mail folders shows the recipient's e-mail address, not sender's
Change back to the old filing system where sent e-mail stored in the on-line mail folders shows the recipient's e-mail address, not sender's
PLEASE install the drop down menu for "stationery" themes; i.e. for birthdays, holidays etc. when sending emails.
Please reinstall the drop down menu for "stationery" themes; i.e. birthdays, holidays , etc. when preparing emails for special occasions.
The Stationery feature is now available in the AOL Desktop Gold.
To customize your email with a stationery, follow these four easy steps:
1. Sign in to AOL Desktop Gold.
2. Click ‘Write’ in the upper left.
3. At the top, click the Extras menu (below the subject line) and select Stationery.
4. Browse or search through the categories on the right and choose one you’d like.To remove your stationery background, click the Extras menu | select Remove Background.
In case you do not see the Stationery option, you will need to update the AOL Desktop Gold to the latest revision. To do that, click on the Help menu on the top, select ‘Check for Updates’, and after 10-15 minutes close and re-open the software.
Make your mail system reliable. Unable to load mail try in 5 minutes. I have work to do!!!
Fix your e-mail
This issue has been resolved. Please restart AOL Desktop Gold and sign back on.
Thanks for reaching out. This issue has been fixed based on your feedback!
Give us a function to change the toolbar icons as before.
Give us a function to change the toolbar icons as before.
Right-click on an icon from the toolbar and Select Edit.
get chat rooms to work. this is second day they are not working. It doesn't show any chat rooms, created by members, nor can i start one.
get chat rooms to work. this is second day they are not working, they don't show available rooms, nor can i start one...please get this fixed...thank you.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. The issue should now be resolved. Please close and re-open the Chat Room Listings window, in order for the chatrooms to load.
The space between columns on the mail has changed. I have to make the subject column bigger. Please go back to the old column widths.
The column sizes on mail has changed. I now have to make the subject column wider each time. Please go back to the old way.
Thanks for reaching out. This issue has been fixed based on your feedback!
- Don't see your idea?