AOL Desktop Gold
This forum is for you to make product suggestions and provide thoughtful feedback. We’re always trying to improve our products and we can use the most popular feedback to make a positive change!
This forum is not monitored for any support-related issues. If you need assistance of any kind, please visit our help site.
Tell us how we can improve your AOL Desktop Gold experience. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review regularly and take them very seriously.
1423 results found
address book
my entire address book was wiped out today. What the **** is going on???????????????????
I’d like to have one of our Technical Support agents investigate this. Please call our AOL Desktop Gold team at 1-888-265-3733.
You could install a different or updated browser!!!
AOL Gold will not allow me to download any forms from my Military Retired Pay site (Defense Finance and Accounting Agency). When I use Microsoft Edge or I/E 11 I have no problem. IT SURE WOULD BE NICE TO HAVE A BROWSER IN AOL THAT WOULD DO EVERYTHING, like you had before in 9.8.2
One of our Technicians can help you with this. Please call at 1-888-265-3733.Our experts are available 24/7 by phone.
Keep getting the following message when Gold starts - frustrating:Failed to load URL
Failed to load URL with error ERRNETWORKCHANGED (NetworkChanged).
I’d like to have one of our Technical Support agents investigate this. Please call our team at 1-888-265-3733. Our team is available 24/7 by phone."
Sent mail is not being saved in the "Mail You've Sent" Folder
I've sent emails over the last several days, Mail I've read, is in the "Incoming/Saved Mail" folder, but mail I send is NOT in the "Mail You've Sent" folder.
Additionally my Inbox shows 5 unread emails, "Inbox (5)" .. but there is NO UNREAD emails ?!? All show red checks
If I click on "NEW", NOTHING shows upIt is making the email handling - UNTRUSTABLE ..
If the issue still persists please give us a call at 1-800-827-6364 and one of our technician will assist.
I’d like to have one of our Technical Support agents investigate this. Please call our AOL Desktop Gold team at 1-888-265-3733. Our experts are available 24/7 by phone.
AOL GOLD does not work with latest windows update.......Help?
Desktop Gold does not work with latest windows update. Also, on mobile phone Dailyfinance nolonger works....says aol error, try later. Help!!! What is up with AOL????
Let me put you in touch with one of our Technical Support Agents to investigate this. Please call at 1-888-265-3733.Our experts are available 24/7 by phone.
Current email missing
It's Friday morning, 3/23/18. My current email begins w/ Feb. 2017! HELP!!!!!!!!
I’d like to have one of our Technical Support agents investigate this. Please call our AOL Desktop Gold team at 1-888-265-3733.
Sending emails is often very slow.
Emails won't send. Instead get a message something like "We seem to be having a problem sending your email. Please try again later." Then you're stuck because you can't close it without losing it, and it won't save to Drafts either. If it finally does, duplicates or triplicates may occur when repeatedly trying to save it in Drafts.
Let me put you in touch with one of our Technical Support agents to investigate this. Please call our AOL Desktop Gold team at 1-888-265-3733. Our experts are available 24/7 by phone
I would like to have an expert technician investigate the issues you are experiencing. Please call the AOL Desktop Gold team at the number 1-888-265-3733.
Six major issues still with AOL Gold, despite them being reported to Tech Support.
AOL Desktop Gold still has major bugs after one month since its mandated use on January 14, 2018:
- Drafts are frequently not being saved despite hitting the "Send Later" button. Five minutes later, an error message appears saying that AOL mail is unavailable at this time and to try again in five minutes. The original draft has been "Pended" on the screen and displays either where it sat the whole time or it's placed behind the open Mail window.
The only workaround solution is to try to save the draft another way when hitting the "X" (top right of draft)…
Our Gold team can help you cancel the subscription. Please call us at 1-888-265-3733
AOL news comment section
Comment feature on the AOL news, it is keep asking to sign up even you already sign up.
If the issue still persists please give us a call at 1-800-827-6364 and one of our technician will assist.
Events and appointments are not shown on the AOL Calendar.
Events and appointments are not shown on the AOL Calendar.
If the issue still persists please give us a call at 1-800-827-6364 and one of our technician will assist.
Sudden need to sign in each time
After being signed in all day, now when I close AOL Gold, I have to sign back in instead of automatically having the browser open. Then my personal favorites are missing in the task bar, Edit settings doesn't work and I end up having to restart the PC to only have to sign back in again which fixes the "favorites on the task bar, but I get the "welcome, etc. sounds each time. Mail isnt impacted. I reset the sound by disabling them, now every time I have to sign in. Why?
Please give us a call at 1-800-827-6364 and one of our technician will assist.
Not receiving Specific Email
As of 3/29/2019 I abruptly stopped receiving emails from the address of I have called them and they in fact are sending me daily emails (4+) a day and I am not receiving anything. I have never gone in to change any settings on my aol as I don't even know how to change that! Why did this happen?!
Please check the Spam folder and if the emails are not there call us at 1-888-265-3733.
What is this? When I try to email It says "mail failed to send due to error 440:13004".
What is this? When I try to email It says "mail failed to send due to error 440:13004".
My emails will not load.
Now that I am paying a monthly fee to AOL, I have less service and less features. I have had AOL for 20 years+. This is unexcusable.
I’d like to have one of our Technical Support agents investigate this. Please call our AOL Desktop Gold team at 1-888-265-3733. Our experts are available 24/7 by phone.
News articles problems - broken links or contain viruses.
Frequently when I try to open an article from the main page or a sub-page either the link is broken or a virus or worm infects my system. You need to do a better job making sure posts are clean.
One of our Technicians can help you with this Please call our AOL Desktop Gold team at 1-888-265-3733. Our experts are available 24/7 by phone.
When I go from mail to a link I get a screen with OOPS - too many redirects. Not good.
When I go from mail to a link I get a screen with OOPS - too many redirects. Not good.
If the issue still persists please give us a call at 1-800-827-6364 and one of our technician will assist.
- Don't see your idea?