AOL Mail Nodin
Tell us how we can improve your AOL Mail experience. The more specific your feedback, the more useful for us. While we can’t respond to every suggestion, we review them regularly and take them very seriously.
Please contact our help site if you’re experiencing an issue that prevents you from using Mail as expected.
185 results found
This new system is not working for me. Give me my old platform back. Settings to classic this is not my old format.
This new system is not working for me. Give me my old platform back. Settings to classic this is not my old format. It appears you really don't want feedback... this is not a new idea. I would like my old format...before it was just a scroll down to view older mail , now I need to select pages?? This not an improvement..thank you
1st ranked -
"New version" of email - it's HORRIBLE!
What on earth did you do to the email?? This is AWFUL! Bring back the other version - - or, I guess it's time to say GOOD-BYE to aol!!??
2nd ranked -
Change it back to the old format
I do not like this new format and would like to have my old email settings back. This was not a good idea for AOL to change on us even though we didn't ask for the change.
3rd ranked -
Suddenly, without offering an option, this new, awful email format appears???
I followed the instructions to switch back to basic but it did not switch. I signed out and signed in and it's still in the new format.
4th ranked -
Put the old email platform back, this so-called new one is ridiculous. If not, I guess it's bye-bye aol.
Why change the email format? Guess it's time to say bye-bye to aol.
5th ranked -
6th ranked
change it back
even when you click to go back to the previous version, it is not the old version we are all used to. it needs to be changed completely back to the old version. AND stop giving me ads on the side bar! they are in the way and so distracting. I'm here to get MY mail NOT buy products!
7th ranked -
8th ranked
go back to the Old Format, Tried and True!
Please go back to the original. This is not an improvement. I am not sure what i supposed to be better! I have stayed with AOL for many years and rarely use my gmail account. I am not satisfied at all with the new format and I am very busy, not helpful at all.
:(9th ranked -
10th ranked -
By changing it back to the old version.Have you never heard of "if it's not broken, don'tfix it."
Keep your new aol and give me back the old one.
S. Turrell
11th ranked -
classic mail is better-the new does not work well-why change?
bring back classic mail
12th ranked -
new platform
This new format is HORRENDOUS! I can't delete more than one page at a time, who designed this garbage?? BRING BACK THE OLD ONE!
13th ranked -
You can improve AOL Mail by giving me back my old version and not FORCE me to use this version that I HATE!
I HATE this format. I want my "old" format back. I loved the old format and hate this one. It is NOT user friendly and takes MORE time to read my emails because of having to pull it up by pages!!!!! You call that an improvement!!!! I could alphabetize my old email so I could quickly see what I wanted to delete. Now it takes forever to delete doing it one by one. PLEASE give me the choice of what version of email I want to use. Don't FORCE me to use this version that I HATE! PLEASE give me…
14th ranked -
The more I use the new OLD platform the more I hate it ARE YOUI LISTENING OR ARE YOU TONE DEAF?
Give me back my old AOL platform or lose my $30 a month, your choice.
15th ranked -
Give us back old mail. New mail is awful
Old mail is better than new mail. In new mail received messages just disappear for no reason. HATE NEW MAIL. GIVE US BACK OLD MAIL.
16th ranked -
17th ranked
Don't like your customers? AOL mail is the only reason I land on AOL.
been here a long time. Being forced to leave.
18th ranked -
stop limiting the searched emails to a few
I just want to say that BEFORE the new change I could access a file........say American Express emails........ and by scrolling down I could go back as far as they were on my system. NOW the system goes back xxxx number and then I have to hit the > to get MORE of the SAME file. WHY WHY WHY??? It is just more steps and a complete waste of time
19th ranked -
I NEED the basic aol mail version back!
AOL is making it VERY difficult for anyone to easily switch back to
the basic aol mail version.20th ranked
- Don't see your idea?